'IIcI 92$, b3'"(,I- DPj DUSINESS iîg the slurprisiulg home Building in Uniteed'States Stili btai, of twec t- Largely Done.iby Smliller Cnea ii propertie.- onen ~~of Auiguis just By Herbert U. NeIsoný vm% aqale% W. G. RuggI.s a<tv iZi stat4c litrds, 1 . :Armstrong, sales mnanager 0 oueiteUieSav oa actw Rug le hs pfirm , ~prise as a reali'v 1lig busin es , fWC aeiiy nthspro.remninded l11111 cofTlipare thec scople of operation %witbl of the davs back ini 1925, %iii ti c what. we koas big' business eiter rai esate orazaion w a silunprises î in ofheir fields. Tiert is ai- assocated îth ctnplee<l i dh 1 1114 11< <mii hie country engaged :!av, whicli t tliat tine wwNctmwid- îoioue n Sei Wimeta Hme ~ a~.evr1 colupanies building 3,0(X0 Noýtab)le amlonig these saIe'. ýtii<i4,100 Ibouses this <.soin. ThIl the s ale of t1iteFrenicli Pros I1 ii i;( tct ihaî hmi>umIIilnl " thu i re>i<li1e Clocated ai _32)1.oct1%t ii It IIlc-wtlch lv~»i~J Q ~is iws, ý\iiitat .r'e' x~o dai a filit siiul he a biîg silness $2-1K.1 Th.Fis sale k .ignifiicadli 111 (L ? ierans lort i di ilâtitportrays theic ngi h ahksiv>iIi n &tî;ls up *ad dovi inounr home îu~ e.icetil re~ siii u*< ui,, lui ui aal,(wc aire nowV imind on ic brde rof xhu I.î .p i ii îl shor o intmlitis it la>. I'Shr1ow i ton. \\-illlette, Wilnttka, . Sapvîn i lTe price range o> iis WlI'- one sales w~as front.<N>f' al 1'00111brick bnalwluSii 5H o a ti-ie-rooi trcc-lhaîh. ibrick vultîi er .111-1t now we arce navuîg a, (10wn(111). NIlea-,tre(i by the nul )i n ew amivaccommîodations (ý11tst rutionl volumte is at a jicv -itr t he i' v'l'lieTtest it ndexi I IUS fleCVOS-SiU1014Ul UISUI1 rapid risc in construction costs that uistal group of sales Iiov fiitceenlis j. ilipsedupn lbouses; thrcc vacant lots, two nwyts~î Uot PI t colnstructcd houses and oune two-flat Material prices have suink 2.4) points butilding were sold. 'n. tte index sie horne building be- -Manemnt Dept. Busy j paît its. a-oSetrbrfail. But Continuing the success of thte îhcy are stili ah 90.2 per cent of the department, the property itaniage- l; e prevailing inx 1920. New fainu mIlent of titis organization securcd 1nuiits. constructed, in the sanie period five new accoutits. during the nnolth 1sn the sanie year for comparison, of August. 0f these five accounits. ftave falien 21.4 points. and at the same time procure a brand new six room, one and, onehalf bath brick Colonial home which bas t, mort- go NU I- *-& M architec- as has now qefoe,