tir turniture on t fsis LRE STORE j 189R8 ranston Uni. 019 1 3OLTN43-tfc wE BDUY FURNITURE ]RIGS, BRIC-A-IBRAV, MEN'S & WOM- en's clothing, ehoes, etc. Phone Uni- versity 0103. 923 Chicago Ave., Evans- ton. 13OLTN20-4tp WANTED-USED BROADLOOM RUG or earpeting in taupe or burgandy, 9r24. Must be in good condition. Wil- mette 17i19. 130L'rNl2O-tp FOR UALE-MIUCELLNIKOUS MAJES TIC R,ýErRIC.ERATOR,1 6 CIS. ft., perfe ct, conldition,, $60; 8-pc. rai,- nut dinlng roonmèst, $25; green becd .and dre ser; mapie bookeaàe wth door;ý vb>lds gymnasium set; white garden fiet, etc. WiImette 684. 1ILTN2Ô-ltii Feu, photo qraphers have the talent or t/e Patience ti taki, gond piciufrrs of animals, and ont, of the' hardestisj' t/e commnon holise cat. Ge-ore k iclu tond I'ouing, 385 IPark avenuei, Glencot', w/to /sa/Pens to be village manager of that commsniiiity and w/to j: ont' of t/he torth siiore's leadinq amnateur cameram en, ercated a miasterpiece w/se» i e sita/ped.titis stiidy in feliine cntn et ATETER SA Activities ainong inenbers o-f \Vil- itte chapter, Order o-f the Easterni tar include the following events. Mr. and Mrs. joseph Conversec will, c'gr . chairs » fourteen past uîatron, andl Patrons. al-sc sixtern pa-t aiou . d iglit patrons of \\'iliiiettec clapter. M rs. Elizabeth 1$ûirr .of Fort Lauiderdale. Fia.. ivas guest of lbnunr. NIrs. May Woodiea< was eliairnu ofi the dining rooni. Nrs *Eva G. P%-fer of the birtlidav table' and Mirs. Ina Mvr.rfeln s '['lie tables an.d <ining roonm, were beautiful, and Mrs. l>yier was happy to have so 11îiï1v Liws.ts at ithe. iirtli<lav table. tackle on Northwc%,stern 's oo hl teani, is also a star wvrestler. \ ounjg, who hails fr-m Pouica Uitv,.()i wvon.thc state hligli sclitol havi igt mr restling çchalnpionbisipin lus i-1senÏor year. STUDENT AT KEÉMPER HALL Mary Jacqueline Willis, datliter of, Mr. and Nirs. Jacquies WiIIi,. l0 Forest avenue, is a student li'-r at eIi<eupr all. Künosha;. \VIS. SueQ left fnor ()ln onMnd -iJ.st 'car M ary J acqueline atteinrled chool1 nue;r Newv Orleans, La. "TARZAN" HOARSENESS' Petc Smith, MtoGlwnM~c screen c onmmentator, can'.t speak aboVe a whisper. Hce lias hecomec so iliterest- ed in perfectiuîg bis *'T.irzati" yeil ior "Junlgle juveniles", tliat lie strained Ilis vé ë'l- tors: - J'le sewinig meeting ivili be hieM at the home o-f Mrs. Anna Bloom, 1337 Elinwon-d avenue on \\'edncisday. October 6. at 10 o'clock.I S. Lois B. Dick repn-rtç(l on the ___ try Fair whiclh is t c ie hld on Iv. October 15. ai) aIl-day sessioni, ENLARGED QUMtTERS seven grand and patrons CROST PU SEsa; 1004-6 Emerson One -.set, iii. -ES u y go(> cc metteIA cctjt