Ladies'- Aid. soclety, <todey, 2 p. ni. talk by :Dr. A. E, Bertling. Open bouse. today, 7 to 11p m sunday, sebool staff, Friday, 8:15 P. ni. W'Innetka ircle, Frlday, 8 p. mi., wlth Mrs. C'. E. Homann, 567 Provident ave- nue. Children's Cbristilb educationela'ss, Saturday. 9 :30 a. n.: Wednesday, 4 p. ni. Aduit catechuumen cdas, Mo6ndar. 8 pi. mi. in the pastor's study. Young .%others circ.le, Monday, 9 P. m., with Mrs. A. C. Aumtin, 204 %Vood court. VotIng niembers, Tuesday,. 8 p. ni. Evening circle, Tuesday, 8 p. in.. with Mrs. J.*IM. (lorkel, 40f, Pratrie avenue. In the 1-1 o'clock service on Suniday the order of rer'dce will Inelnde the fol- lôwlng' Prelude-"Vlion"......... Rheinberger Introt-"The Lord our Ood Is Tfie Sernion-"Mýaking Niany Rlch' ....... 2,Coriuthlans 6:10 Pûstlud-" Mendelssýohn Dr. 'M. H. Seifert wili sing thie solo In the service at 9 :15 a. in. IOn. Tuesday eveénlng t4le Wolna's Isoety wili hold. their annual Foreign, IMission Praise service athe church at 8 -o'clock. A play,, "For He Had Great IPossesslis", wll be. given by the E.rie wlill .inlayers. HarpeCr esnwlll be Chall Play rs. Mpr . Chares Moody at the organ. Sîoke No. 12 wlll serve tea. The public ls cordially .lpvited to thist meeting. Our .idweek ser-vice wii combine with tbis service. T1'is churchl iscooperating la the great Centennial of the Board of Foreign Missions of thie Presbyterian church, whichi wiii bave special enîphasis. during the month of October tbrougb the entire eountry. TIie. centennial wihi. culminate wth a broadcast by ltobert M. Speer of New York, for forty-six year4sèseretary of the board, on Frlday evenlng. Octobe r 21U, fron 8:30 to 8:45 o'eloek, and with an offering to the Centennial Fund of $1.000000 for an advance step) in for- elgn missions. First Congre gaftona 11ev. John C(i. Hindley, mnlister Curch school ....9: 30 a. ni. Beginners ....... ...... .... 10:50 a. mi. Mornlng worship ..........Il :00 a. ni. Kappa ?Pi Phi.......... .... 5:30 p. ni. Mr'. Hindley wili preach on -The Best1 Kind of Religion." " The înorning m-sic lu as follows: Organ Prelude-Pas.;o.rale.,. Rheinblerger, The Northwest and Lakeside cirecleS have i-eally started -il earnest to, make smrn ie uh ýadded Improivellnent 'le our vhurch sehoôl equipflîent. 'hw*<i repre- .sentatives from each cirl-Ce met last Sunday afterno0n and considered moule, eonstructive plans. Juamt 'vat(-h oui, church sho grow when the woinein get. behifld lu Mr.LaRoby. our general sunerintendent, W h ack with uts thiis fali and has many plans for the ehureh sehool. We welconw hlim, and mav thi-z be bis best yeair as general -superin- tendent. The ICA PPA PlI 1>1 - i billet .met Suit- day nafternooin at 4:30 andappolnted the folliwing cornmitteem: dra matties, Jaek Chronle, ühaia-man' XorMan Fifer, Shir- ley IHausma.Dale Chr-onle. cetd Maryý cloyl ,; omImrhip., COeorge -Reddingb chairnian, Barbara Burge, Fran-es Fonx. and Beth Hindley:, recr-eation, M.%ary MNacalister-, chairman, Dale Chi'onic, Elenaor Lal3onté, and Betty Br-uce. Suaaae, -yo 4 ix- - tu, chairnian. Fifty young pýole attéinded our open- ing "*Fail FrolUe" last Frlday night. Our next party will be 'a Halltowen pa rty, October 29. Robert Bruce. gave the gr*oup a treat Runday n t 5:30 w.beli he showed theni a "taîkie" movie enititlectri-Arund, the World in 80 Minutes.-~ This w;ýfl lowed l)y deliclous refreshine t vd by Suzanne Lyon. Albert Tueker wil.l be ourý speakeir iiext Sunday nt 5-30. Bie on time si you ,won't miss the fii-t note of -.%r. Ttkrs ".'loniething Newi and Different," Allison *wilI give j'alote nprlr esaeon per-sonal religioll, teonc'ldlng aseries on **Prayer". Wont vou corne? English. Lutheran. Sevient-li, tréet at rnla "A HUSEOF wmulsif1lP Thî\14vIlR., Kabele, pastor, Mlornilig %Vgirshll>..............il11. ni. .Junior Luther league, ,.,.,..' .3 .m. Senior Luther league...... .:30 î>. un. -The inuslc for the à4erVice of worship next Sunday miorning ts, as flos Organ, Preýlu(e-"Andatite ' tb1, 5th SyMnPhony ......... Anthm-lîneal he Shaglow of theý G reat Protection........ick inson The Senior Choir- Solo-O Resýt 1Il the Lord. .. Mendeissqohn* S1Mrs. J. H1-. Hopil, PostludeI-ý1toccata and.Fugue jin 11) Minor .....................IBach T4se1*ni4i~aovetywili .1mc't oni Thursday afternoon of this week adt th, church at 2 o'clock. 'Mrs. William Lind- ber>g wilI present the topic and -Mrs. William stants ivili. have the Nl.gztzine- Quiz. C'onIimation class iwilI nîcet (,PliThurs- day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tbe Senior choir Thursday evening. at l'le Junior chr 8S1tûr(day mornîng at wili r.elwars.- on *10 O'vIouk. On Otober 31 tl repeat the pageant toi',. at the (Chien at 3 and Sp1. i. r through Fredeick 126i. Last yparni, )inner. i »~. ltrt-we~ 1---*~ . bcecause they' ordered too late. "Iwa: glad when the-Y Said uinto nIle, Let us go intq> the bouse of the Lord." P.ea lm122 :1. lor. 3.:30 7 :30 p. ni.- Tuesday, Octi 'bhool 'teuit"l L-.Tn'oop No. 1. Wilii<tte an-d F Avenu~ji~es bsdo AeEIst .11e. florg fl.Mlio,î(lap r dî, Ephesians 5:15 T..rnmorrow, ( Frid:iy «lt 12 :3 0. 1lt- t The .Junior TLuther 'Wnnan's socitty nfi'bis chur.Ch holds its peoIile of high s(Aloôl Oetb'~ metigbeginning wilh à lunchi- Sunday afturnoon at vfbn. TIhe programin i 1k' e c harge of Senior LAutlivr league the' Civirs eommlttée of whleh NMr.* A. o'clock. C'. .Youne-berar la chairman. f -iThe R ter rinîîy. ill b le I c4.sà, fin.thft le tgn i<>i ol. 11113 age Nvîllil , -tI on :" '.ei.k and the w~ill netat :0 iwtflle Pack N.. will imeet onmn-Ni) afternopon at 3 15 ùolock. r~he Tuxile club, the hlwhscbooi of young. people, will meet , at The church boliers and the lub bouse furnace have heeii repaii'ed, instiring