EBeauty SfLop =426 Uinden Aye,. WiImsf. I Phione WilMette 4454 attue.oe E< It ias originally initenuca. rl o I nm jthe sale of opening n iightý tickets to *scason subscribe rs only, but iii v iew *of the , nipreccdetitedt demald- for 6rst ight seats it. bas heeti decided Eto put theni on sale at thel)ox office __ ow, to thie genieral pulic. Offer Coupon Books Ili addition to thec re.-ular subscrip- tionil series. and. the liard of Eduica- tion seiiecs, couponi books liave also bceen put on sale. Thiese books are teit dollars, and liold ceveti tickets wliichi Iniay be presented at tiie box office in exchange for aniy seat iot already subscribed for. These coupons eniable oile to. buy a dollar seat. for ninety cents, or a.,moreexplenisive seat for an equivaleiit inber of couiponis.,It is therefore advisable to purcliwsc l.several of. these books, as thev miayr better 2convenlience extelided onlly to .Nîi- mectte residenits. In aaddition to,,theç batik, tickcts of ail .types mav be 01)- tainied In ,S'iil3 calling anyv of the following %VOinette residents, and ume,üblers of tie local opera ýcommüit- tee. xignx Elmner 1). Bevker.. Wilmiette S38 M is. IL. 1). Itiggs , Wjlniette*: 33s 11 r. La VtIIvu i)4îni. iiuuettée 738. La %% N ihn ;ld tt . ,itàntte 5r.002 Piie' t tLeé .* Wiltlettt I 1t16 X tisi Edith Ray Yui Wiinette 3651, Three Win, Tickets* to Wolverine Game Three WJLMNETTE Lî1FE readers will witness the very important Nortwesern- Mi.hu!In football SMeter, ollsoreil winniers 114 Fotarth Rimgholm, Park ave- Collector Sanborn Hale advises that. checks for sucli paynîents should be made payable to H-oracec Undheimer cpunty collector. if it is desircd, thèse checks, if let withi Mr. -Hale. will -be, délivercd to the counity(office. Whilc nl( definite infornmation lias been reccived as to wheln the second instali- ment of the 1936 taxes wiîi be payable at thc locail township collector's office,Mr Hale atnimOunces that lie aniticipates it will be atbout the first of Noveniber. May Beat Record J.ast year, on the second installîment f the 1935 tXCS, Mr., Hale collecte $37171370,a record which- lie hopes iliay .be execeede(l Ihis year. in thé collection oi the 1936 first ,in- stalmiett lie reached the total of $1,- 2(k027.16, as against $1 ,073,9S5.4,9-i~ the 1935 first installniient Collection. fraying its .operating expenses depends o1 t'le Volume of nmoney paid by Ille taxpayers of Ne»' Trier to the local collec-tor. ['xcess comîmission on these collections goes inito the township treasury. In the past few' years this a,îiotîît lias been stlcient to ineet sucbi requirenicnts and the township bas not fum<l it necessary to lévy à tax. 23e ýý 7 .-,- 7- - - -. 1- - - i 01- .