have sketched a few at the side of the page). Now we offer the aristocrat of furnitures to you-known for 3 generations to all Anierica as the ultiniate in quality and design! Modest Wieboldt prices prevail-and terms to suit your convenience! The Chesterfield Group Choose pieces to suit your individual needs! Every piece in this group inter- changeable, is handsomely constructed, with beautifully figured swirl mnahog- any tops and fronts. Choice of three styles of sideboards, two china cabinets, a delightful corner cabinet, and two extension or gateleg tables. Fcatured in the Group Below Arm Chair ..............$19.95 China Cabinet ...........$89.50 ide Chair .......$16.% Table ........... .......$7 Buffet ...............579.50 Berkey and Gay Furniture'May De Bought on Easy Ternis t o.~j/~ IW ON DAVIS STRIET j k 0.~~-*. CEUni CREUNSA BUFFET 1' 5