Accidents happen-this, is a fact you must face. Many acci-. dents are unavoidable, but ail are bad enough in tbemselves with- ont considering the worry and expense. Don't be without ourance poeto Accident In- nylonger. EDERLE. INSUýRANCE AGENCY L 6. EIMd 522 Cemer St. Raepp 0 S5S nnjs~ a nrsig of at curtain signifies sonhething more jhan. an evening of glorious entertainment to north shore theater-goers for it marks the opening of the Thresbold Players' fifteenth consecutive dramat- ic seasoai, a record which few, if any, littie theater groups in the ehtire coun- try have ever equalled. North Shore Institution As a matter of fact the TIhreshold Players have grown to be sonxething more than an amateur dramatic group. They are a north shore institution that deserves the cnthusiastic support of every, north shore citizen. Not only do the Tbreshojd Players provide an opportunity for people interested iii dramatic work to express themnselvesj behind the footlights or ini set design but tbey give you more thani your money's vortb in. rleaIn. fa*..monIv Lis Ireî*kag Jobi :La! IBol) CJcrl, m e en r i s UA V tI L e ift IU te teii-w eek period. The real purpose of this event, ac. cording td Coach George Eckert, isto provide a, systematic form oOf exercise for members'of the club. .Completing the first haif-mile ofthe distance at the opening swim werc MNiss Betty Fellingham, Mrs. John G. Witt-ý boldt, Airs. Edgar SçhilI, Bob HIess, Richard- Besser, Miss Charlotte Wilds, John Works, Miss Lois Fenzel, Miss Mary Eckert, Miss Mlarioîi Fitzgerald,ý Miss Joani Fitzgeral, iss PatSY. Fit.z- gerald,,Robert F. I)oepel, lDavid .Works, Miss Claudia Eckert, Harry Shahinoô, Mrs. . H. Kraft, Mrs. Ida l)ornhboq; Witliam Dlrucker, and Mrs, R . . k- I <Internskib Plan"9- ÊOJrd 0 duents i hoto A dvertisiîng Field or, A iift of $6,000 for the study of ad- wrd- vertising 0on the "iliternship plan,."ý ing, pnitier %wluch gradtuate students ivili ický Nork in business while studying at. mrthe uniiversity, was announced titis oyd week by Pre.sident WValter Dili Scott nopay ffht of "The 1 t( bold Play- I IZIt gdc2flli a ason i t ition1 tal ag cunsïsting c Bernis and Ulnder thi scliolarships 'fessor of ad- of Commerce,. le truistees of dation Fund, Buckley. Max est,"- the' hlg their Sa barR,