Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Oct 1937, p. 29

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a reiativeiy snia.ii spriliklng of local Of std taken in art and mnusic. nierchants who serve the nceighbo3r- The Important Question bood. It is not, an industrial coin- jBvjar thle. larger question engaging :niinity ikc miany a neiglîborhiood sur- New irier pupils. andpretsisIibat rounding imilis or factories in Chlicago!of the clee e Parits vetr and, soiîne of its nîdcustrial suburbs 'I bis decision. i s upposed to bc imade sucb as Gar%~. Hainîond. Aurora. or fin the freshrnan ycar hecause certain Tlin "is conidition gîves the high înstîtuitions, speciallv the so-called sclbol a prctt3y dceinitc ý"Set.", For i "castoeru" 'ýsebhools, lhave emtrance re- the inost part, the pupils i1te1 to juirenlents so sharpiv drawNv as to go into the p)rofessions or uIns lea-ve vers- littie, if any. rooin during and, not. into the trads am i tcfur -vears of highi school to sclic)ol is' largelv doninated by thIs I)roà(icila' selection of stifdies. I.f situaion.these stiff' rograinis.are not under- Not Vocational Sehool stood at the very siart of higli school, 'fhîts it is înt a vocati olal côI life, there is iikelihoed tîat wlien the. it <oes not receive support lundcer the PI)I inakes a helated' choike to cin- S tbIIlisAct froin 'the Fý.ederal ter cne oi fthese colleges lie' wi 1 1fi 1n d <'ovrmctfor inaintaining dcfinite- lie lbas tnt taken the required 'sub- * lv vtcatiotial courses.lits plpils arcjects and thits. cither may be barred niot traitie(lIpcciticaII3, to enter agri- ýfroni entrance, or find it necessary tô -Culture~. lotcutrr.aiia u a.u4- 4a-e 4the ie letd- tdesi uvi r r\-. foru>trv. iinig andiiiranv sinîiar sessions or in a fifth year at bigh or pursuits. Sucbi training sbouidcoe preparatory schooi. f roin another type- of higbi schooi or h should be pointed out lhere that f romn a stilithgier technical college. it cloc s fot follow that'these "stiff"p *Vet there art, soinewhiat etinîentary requirè:nÇelts are the best studies for sttidies prelinninary to nanv callings mnany pupils. Thle colleges and uni- ihiat cati hC taket iefire Nvitli profit. versities have varions standards that iherc are severail special dciart- blave bccn set uip for the express pur- uîînts t.;Where detfiuitte work lcadiingipose of servinig those students Who (irectly into vocationis ratib ude- is to follow 'such standarde. As tae.stcb ais is taîv&îi- ilthe %wOo)d-i î, bei 111n iv ..n x a ui for girl, :and- %vell, ceqlnppecl art are foilowing ratil-etsapldaw and mnusic depar.tmeîuts for bothl boys Ie fspeciahlizing. thinkiing-priiniari- and <l,ý zrIl Tre is also a comnnrcial1%, of fittilng stildents for professions <1< prttn<ut tr i(t-tl\- teclbnical or other specializcd vocations. It is t rainiîng isý givei iti stenographyv and ýa fart that pxîpils who do flot plan y 1)v% r i11 mg, Ico1hueand other to enter onc of the very popular busînless 1nîaCh me. hokeein ai asterii* schools nmay takè a muçli the t1icorv U IiuIS practice. eco- broader course of instruction at New nloluI1C% anld indtrd stthjects wid Trier ligli School than those who SuI;)~ li.excllntbackground ior I take college-board or similar - srhooi progratm Irom tnat i if one is to undertake the occi OIL RUINER Y.o Service Ail Maiesà Bervlee DAY AND NIGHT Il»ko .3901 PA TRONIZE O UR AD VERTISERS w Tur Nom Tks FOgI 1IEATUNG SERVICE I Co. I a& tâi#tUt MII terni thft ou ..y of Our S.rvio onia 4

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