Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Oct 1937, p. 36

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* Too-MANY GROUPS. *The openimîg of fillactivÎtie bv i >i .scial ant o,>theér ogniaio again tdirects a ttention to the fact Ilat tiere are too niany snicl groups for al biito nj.>ya lhal.tly Cexis.tence. 'Wlbiie eadhinayhave its sperifie obIjective.s. they arë iii nai) cases. so siftnilar. that t #e ioveriaps the other. , with the restiti Ilhat therë is a iduplication t ut effort ani also of operaitig et sts. A littie tbolghit onl the part of leaders miighit open the way for a joiniing of forces. that woty.i it dgreatly. to the cffectiveness of the effiorts pt foi(rth,.ai dmake for a btter andi livelier organiization. if the .nerging nt' two or mure groups intuto oe. gives promise uf greater prÈogres,* towardi the *ctis in view, the suhject inust be approachied ini a prat- ~ical illier, wicf!. litinê4mfreof jwejuice and wift, ail eartiest tiesire to fîrther the interests of the . village as we 'i1 as of the organiizationis concernei. ntoid probabiy be necessary for ecdi to surrender apoint liere andti tere iii ortler that the, rearraîige- mient of pulrposes inay be broughit into iîarn%înv. For instance. if one group is restricted ini its activities to the dlis.eiiniation 0of iniformationi on subjects of direct action to bring abolit certain endis, there shcuIld greatest hindratlce to the achievenietît of its aîns. Ai .-\nnpty treasury tornis a stonie waII with no ivay- Over, throtigli or aroti it. Tue answer to clîronic J poverty mnay be fouti iii the *oining of finances as weii as group effort. One organization -wel Oftlcered. %wel financeti anti weil purposetieau tdt. more anti better work than a lia](f dozen wtiu the means to carry on. The suggestion it nffered tui thn.j< aiiztiiý of alien isiii" groulis, andi reaffirmedti teir fait i in atii d &Mtioli to fthe Jil of Riglits as.a living, vital dtbcttitettreated zant i <signeti for the lirotection l of 'iltu hubles~t Citizen. Therc was, o ilv gai1e thing wroung withte gin New Vork parade. It shouiti have extendeti ciear across tlic cotiiielit as an assurance to every nman, wonan ,îu votlîinie îrica thiat there is in tliîis coui 'itry to day a strong i)atflutic ferver for fec of in(liîvi(lual'ibiirtN .and ifree goverinuient. This 'Cofliiiufliiity is~ fortunate to lhave ainong ifs c:itizenls su large a nxibiiler.of thecse truec Amiericas- th.e I.cgionnaires. Ini the pursuits of peace they arc as reliable;as they were dëleedable in %var, as stead- fast now as ,whieni, twenty years ago. tley niarcheti to) *the. front ini far greater numbers than in ttheir recnt arnirgparade. WHTAT BLACK SAMUO liu the United States senate ini 19344 .Vssuiate Justice Hugoi LIBlack, ppsiga Pre>iîdetitiai nomination, ,said: -Show Ie the k11)(1 steja a îil mnade in the sandt live vears ago andt i li show ygni the kinti of step> lie is iikciy to ijiake iit the saie sant l'ive %-car, hience. Shiow nie the cip>rse. lie xvas îîursiiîîig tdiu, amti, uniess there lias 4cen a catailý.snî wiclii Ia> albsoiutely changed ibi, character 1 will s:h ou vol WHAT To Do? Wh]at. if anything. Cali he lotie tu proteet chiltireji froin the danger oi beiîîg kiiied or mniet for 11ke While ritiîg bicycles on the strcct f It is a questioi wiihiclb arises aiinost taiiv tu trouble tlie inîntis 4ofý authorities anti citizeis intercsted ini safety actlIvitesý, andi possiblv ut sonie îàreits,. If the co>ration ofb the latter with prograin.s oi the formier lias becti rough the litie abIy afraid that if Ijistleir morey We ,suggest that if andi wben* the Cubs 'are aheati in the .enn ae CommissionirL.and pnatrcis issue an ortier thiat all opposnîig teanis, shahl play îxith on1e Ilani tieti behindti thir hacks and bu)th. feet ili a sack. XInd now tle experts are saying thýat Japian lias iulothing ituch i whh wvhicb to fighit. on grt)uii(. water or ini the air. andi couildn't use ît effectiveiv- if thevy hlad. Sotunds ike Japanese proipaganda. Havitig been an ioett-odes 100 -per cent tiirt farmiier for the greate r part ýof six muottbs, WC consider ourseIf qualifieti. to speak as an expert. on %Vhat the farier is, tbinking abou)t, anti wlat are bis hopes, ambitions anti grouches. So we say t(i john L Lewis that the farier is not'ail wrappeh up -iiê 4hat -C..I. 0, govterment oîf 1s. *Thi farnevr doesiù lianker to pay higbier wages, or to pay higher prices for what he buys. _Nor s lie particui- iarly aixious to wake up lin the inorning to finti the hired tuait on strike anti a bial dozenl union busi- *ness agents occupyiing the front rooni. li yuu waiît (o inake a bit with tthe fariner, Jotii, takce our ativice and finti a way to eliminate the non-union grass- liopper, cliniuc bug, locust, arni worin anti other 1PeSts. .\iso to stide the wvinti, control the rain antd hain-string the frost.s. Whien youti ati (o those A mian wîo %iJ] tcal i'i nercto eu>î an eay viiirk for pl>rit>rtbi ~(1nigin rcsE >t.s neet( si> lav.e IS heatexainitieti. \Wat a -big silot- Jiu is. fr a ti:î,e- and lthen the long. lioneiv i n ijail. uilî 11tiig to do> but thbi, il b>vr. 1îo~e tvuo dariing Iblondie twin latiie.,> agc 7 5, pillars oi the churcih whlo picked tip a 4)i~ietf dWâlih boys of equai age amti cattereti ont to bit the hot ot lts t ,(ÀCliicago, certain .vraiseti a ret ion. reniarkable demonistratioiî ever wit- ut nîouey is so apt to Iead to, te cross 00oh. eiÉectric fhne, ifor ie new TuE PHIANTONM REl>(RTkR.

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