r POST COMMANDER TO TAKE-OFFICE TESDAY NIGHT, McCue WiII Succeed Leaton. as Legion Head; Mrs. MeCue New Auxiliary President Officérs of, the \V'nette po)st of thc Aulerican. 1.egion 'and the auxiliary unit wîll lie installed next, Tuesday evening at the Shawnee Country club. *The evening's program Will begin with a dinner at (-) 30 o'elock, to be fol- lowed. by entertainnient and the installa- tion cerenlQnies. Sjarnes R 'N1MCt1eý 435Park;aei, senior vice-conimandler, is to succeed *James C. 1.eation, 722 Washington aive- nue, as -post commander, and iNrs. Ntcz * Cue i,, to be installcd as president of the aisxiliary unit in the place of Mrs. Carl Alfrt(i Peterson, 144 «ý\ap)le ave- SPEA KER, -J .een Rivalry Displayed as Campaign Progresses Registration in. Township Nears Mark of 15,000 While figures are net at the time of going to press avaiIable,ý indica- ions are that New Trier township voters flockcd to their .poliing places Tuesday to take advantage of the final opportunity to place their names. an th nrnqalient r~.eiraion rniks Early - Reports Indict WiI. mette Will Go Over Top in Record Drive T*he 1937 Wilmette Cotnmnunity Chest campaigit is now-in its ful side, ýaid the headq uarters at 1150 Central avenue is- a beehive of activity.> Co mmittee heads, captains, block, workcers - everybody parti. cipatîng in the campaign-are on their tocs, determined to acconiplsh aiTI G.t Paât wiII be ac ird Wakiri a dance. Other Jegion officiais who will takt, office next Tuesday evening include Ed- ward t)rewe.s, senior vice-commander W~iliani Benner, junior 'vice-command- er. Fred W. Kiddt. finance officer, and R-Z(bert Forster, adjuitant. Fred Baker anid George Scherzer art toi lie in chairge of the enteftainnueuit. speaker at educational coiferences on the first I uesday in De( arranged for p'arenits and teachers 1937, and continuiiig until til tif the psrtia shore. The co,îferences day before the date on which1 are' t be -held at Neu,' Trier HiqI ewe an election to be helc school Oclober 2'0 and 27 and Nov- e'mb<'r 3 and 10 ini the evesiing ail 8 o>'clock. The co,,jerezce suje s Issue Per i t "Problenis of Public Edacation .." - fur L<ritor CL1h,,.rpuWili (vmo #Y.ae ClO à ýr is th .Miller. of Monarcn DYb ,5W were1 is groupi ,nl a Vi speak.