and Temipeton, iishop tG. iromiey Oxnam and Louis Unterneyer wlho will1 talkc on November 30 and january l1, respectively. Irhe for eti wbo will appear Con- stitute 'ai exceptionally fine series, iit is thoùght, and a varied one. Those who attend these progranis will hear of the situation ini the Far East, will hear a splendid miusician, will bear a clarification of current Anierican eco- noonic and social problemis, and will iear a brilliant and witty discussion of curreint literature. than anyone else.,h.- captures the elusive çharm of chfldhood. A SERNIE photo. I4garé-Loving Photo John Dcacon Randail, who «'uai gradriatcd .last lune front ,New Trier Township llîgh schoo> ha:t beni pledged by. the Alpha'Delta .Phi frateriity at the University of Illinois. le lives at 912 Tîtelfth s WreI ii ieti» , - --, *Talk ton ~ " NezoSaIi#im Charles Helrrick Il. nietka lwill speak S *October l, iluthe stii the suinliier .were duiglite with th ilIIwl'livbilKb(li nasterly handfliing of the situiationi; thie hazardous," said Secretary >tlccsitui dufflicaitioit of butildiigs Lin- *"\Vet pavements cause colin kniew as a ynuîiig rnaiî; th.e uittvr adhere to the road, surfac, uxcltioiîl (by land(scap)in.g) of ail Iîuod- spots on1 the pavement arec vrii .,trrgbliiiigs, so New Salenm stands Unider these coinditionis su a ii,îig apart, a bit of piotneer dayS.. plicationà of brakes may ca RetrdLincoln Tomb car to skid resulting in si R.storedcidents." M r. l-iannouid; with lus father,. Nlr Huizhes advised foo lie s ac- gréph a.ssures you the. highes.t attean ment, of the photo- graphie art, no mt fer how Iow the. pria.. Aul o .urnE. fr ohrb For yers wo have specitized in chil porriur... our nationul reputation is your guerantea filet y@u wlI reIve the bess. DEENIE STUDIO 1623 SHERIMAN AVE.. IVAUISTON *UNI. 8"8 DORS A GOLF COURSE CATERINO ONLY TO