of a fashion. The eélzstic .waistlinie stritps pull diagonally to give you- a stem-like. waistline. Model of batiste and ela st ic batiste'With a l'ace: bra top.......... ...........$ Rieg. V. S. f>at. off. Pt o .5.9 A'4W ý4O4 GARD The Glorifie? IS Fashiôn NEWS w ~ 1nrt support. \Mode] 'Reg. i t ()f. IHO0L E P ROO:F, Chiffons _ .14hy takehaird knocks grace- IfuIIy... these clear, duil chul- fons by HoIeproo... they look Iovely any place, any time. Put thenm on. in ýthe morningi. wear- them ail day-and ail evening, too -and see what a grand amou nt you save! Newest cos- tume colors. $1 prs. $2.85 QulIfty DoubIy Certified by Good 1Housekeeping and the Beftîr faurif¶ Tesîing Bureau FOUNTAIN SQUARU~ YANSTON OCTOBE.R 7, 1937