tuie Ne4ibors of Kenlilwortb, An xhiitof arrangements of %villi bave the pleasure of a con- fail fruit. vegetahies, andl bernies, (lucted* tour tbrôughi The Hall and an, original conedé "Tuie of M%ýaiî,at the Field Museumn. Perfect Carden- Club," %writteij An added attraction". will be the !w Mrs. F. R. Kilner, made up shiowingo h eutfTl l the programn of 'the annmal lunch- luiiniated book by Susan Frac- con and meeting of the Kenlil- kieton at the Chicago Woman's worth H-ome and Garden i cl club. field i\onidav àat indian Hill cîiît. lThe Volume is bound witb jewelled liinding bv Hlerzberg and Son, and is A lrgeattndace'~va l)eseltilltimiinated alter the order of the atld about biaif a dozen guests iniedievai l îanuscript. It is .valued at were amionig tose whô . enjoved $l5,OOO and is, kept ini a vault polder a theproramandjoned i hesecial caretaker, beingshwînl forth bet l%.b appoînitrnent. Eachi page is a work popuar vtingof art.,It is called the Donor's'Bôook tries in the shiow-. and lias inscribed in it the naianes of Nirs. William F. Freudenireich was thec donors for the Chicago WVoman's elected. president at the business ses- club building, as wellas distinguishced sioi nd ,Irs.,Hfçerrt A. mIajkuests. Mrs. FrçltoVs 4atighter. second V'ice-presidlent. M r. Richard Mr.IIerman G. Seely, lias very * Johnston continues as first vic-e- kindly arrangeçi that this be shown to presidenit and prograin chairian,. inenibers of the club. * Mrs. Hernian G. Seely continues as Those wisbing transportation are secretary. and Mrs. John Marshall askedj to be at the Kenilworth club at Roberts as treasurer. 10 o)*cIock.. T'le tour will start bet.ween Mrs. Thcodore 'Moritz won first 10:30 and 10 :45 o'clock, with huicheon j)rizc ini the fruit and vegetable ar- serveçi at the Chicago WVonan's club, rangements for a large basket eni- 72? East Eleventb street, at 12:30 tire]%.. tf vegetables, shades of lav-o clock. endr. urne aui n~ nr<lnn~niîiur M s. Paul Clovis of 244 Ctonior Mofftt plbitf 1,lm;wzioid av'enue, is chairmait »of the tomu r onelitter of- thse ways aud meUY0S coiiilteeof theIomi»' Club of IWilpiiette, zwhichahas or- rang ed for a visit to the Goodmana theater and the H-ardingj muse u<m in Chicago AJonady, October 11. The' doin j: open Io ajiyonr ic aterested. -The opening progranm of the Sisterhioôdl of the- North Shorle Congregation, lsrael is1 to be one of 'unugual. intcrest, True occa- sion is a luincheon nmeeting to be bield in the temple ini Glencoe on Moniday,, Octoh)er 18. "Jhle îrol- grain, hicb, at 2:15 o'clo,*ck will Ifollow 1lunclinat 1 93, vI featuire t heý rare coiinaticon.r o)f l>oth Rabbi anid M Charles E.' q-llulmàll speaking 0onilexp1),ri- ences and impré.ssions gathere-d 1from 'their recetit:foreigil trâv~- r) Reservations for the lunchcon inav" be made until Friday, October 15., iwith Mrs. H, B. , ».de-rmai i o i ý Essex road, Winnetka. Rabbi Shulman lias chosen as is subject "Hunianity in CChaos,- anud will present froin first-han(iex- periences <turi ng this suinner's jour- ney throughi Palestine, Roumnania, Austria, Poland and Switzerland, bis story of 'the unrest and turmioil lest in the wal<e of the war, its effects on Jewish life and national lif cini genieral. Wefl -known as scholar and andi Mrs. 3. Wilson McAlhister took third prize for an arrangement of sumaic and black bunch berrnes iii a crock. The fourth prize was awarded to Nr. W. V.éVeock, Sheex A.lIbb tic ilole in stay of a~ Dellnis J. Arranges Part'y tiighit (Thursday). sh»îrni Monday night, October 4, the execu- and wr tiveAîoard of the club wvas entertainled ixM at dinner at the bomne of the Juior whr advisor, Mrs. Harvey A. Bulsh. The inh er vn g'iva word jncture ment in Palestinie of ave exiled, theinselves opean hornlanis. MTs. dl as a brillianit speaker« S just returned from a s0jouri l iaPalestinle, niany of the outstand- es of thbe coutitrv. andi iQIDC the Mrs. Fran go- on Mondaj start at 1: "00".