1>,rlidv bing ard 25 InLundin, and Mrs. Joseph 0. Coli- verse bas charge of réservations for reu igitin o tu *(Cca1ontll#'the special dinner which.is to be club is i-ireseiiOti o t4aniing serv..ied, at 6 oôloc9 tht vening. evyents and programis. it 1as b)eeL*n rs. Roy McÙllraýtl and Mrs. A,.,H. a~~tined.i Myers have -charge of the dining The ineartsdcprtmet,,cet, for,: room service. They would like to The fin ie ardea atnon fithi% !have reservations as carly as possi- week, with its committee holding ,a 1bic. Card games wilI bc. playçd both reception, 'and Witb New Trier Hig) 1 af ternPon and evening and anyoïne de- school represetited- in the progratn siring to entertaimi a table of bridge arranged. Anay get in touch ivitti Mrs. 0. 1). lerank E. Hollani, muirai painiter, andî jonsis. The bazaar wilj include a lecturer and à ait eanicierte<l teit- Country store, food booth; fisih pond. lent in b~fed will giv'e an illustrated. white elephant, cand.hakecif taIk on (tlk Art". 1Mrm. Marian, Cot- y itdecif ton. uirertor f imukle1t the hlidh sehool linen, iniscellaneous, and baby booths, an eIknc)wn fipn ~he entire north also spécial noveltiesfrhldygfs Shore, wlll lec-gtiarteon "useAp»re1ia- bridge prizes, bi rthday or anniversary tion**. A grmup ',f twelve girls~ of lier ;k-e cluab. will simr ititunr the dir7ection rememibrances. "Corne earlv and scec oef Mj.issFrîaàres Aiffers<,n, hërmelf one the stock at its best, the conrittee i-f tlw ~ncrth -Iitks.r, ruèttu of talented annIoUInces. 'N'"Ing atimt, an ïli t i uiw wvilIb!1ng an.sg fr4om îî1w ':îrr*s Xathew Francis will have a photog- "u.raliv booxtli M i>s Aniastasýia - Tu î.. r'eevhae im eh fie-r. Vahon * wïll show millinerv ; the Wl patiflint, rs. Frank X. Thale, vic-i meIttc Stationery ând Giit shop %vill ,imirnmn; rs. ilarry Shervin, littera- have a TIrcasuire Nook ; Mrs. Eiliott ture vhairmian ; Tr. eorgé. F. T.uindy.Ixonbrgw lso slcino airt chairman: Nrs. CharIps Normn.ii:;'ýoiilegl swaslctnof trar<leii hairm-m ;N rs. (;tirzeBi, n;tics; aund Guy Oliver vil1 have charge ' Nin Charlfs lwroad]. Mrs. Frank KaYe. of a brush compati% exhibit. Addecl NMrs. E. . K,,h.rgmrs..Wtr Brriniham ~Ms. homs Mnts ~u.I attractions i nde fortune-telling and Nirs. willianm. woîrr. gIICssing gaines. P. H. Eichling bas lecinoc'Iv da rne Illte offioiai charge of floral decorations. itiiustI' clhurch. bb 2. .ti .5lbe1 U.t. ns may be obtaineéd at Mission.ry Society Ouflines Next Programn The Women's Missionary society of the Wilmette Parish Metlîodist church will present an interesting programn at the regular meeting October 14, at L :30 o'clock. ".Howv Real Are Hyrnns to You" is the subject -of the opening topie b y Mrs. Wallace Mitchell, fOl- lowed by devotions with Mrs. Amnos Thornburg in charge. Mrs. Roy Lun- din will preside at a short business s;ession after wbich Mrs. john D.- .Stearand Mr-. R. M. Camupbl wUi -onduct a panel discussion of "This Moslem World" a timelv subject of iîiterest to all Christian wvomen. p i HOIISE Wben oboppilng or sp.ndlnw thé, eveflins In Chicago line wbere the. fneat foode are served. Just north of the ««Loop," Xorý- rrandy Hou». bas that q1uiet and. luvltlng atmomphere.of reineinent. *"G.ed Pood, anda, Good Plat, t. Rat Il Our pricesaiare always ireasonable. Luncheffls daly. DInners ev ery, evening. Sunday 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. W. give sa.eIim attention te r i- vat. Imeeaus and dlime jaàuz ebI~.uh Agwa~ 6 M1~hi Facing Water Tower super.r 18711 £aoy Pal *Ims It. roivnsoh rvirole .Ms. ',trit-l< J. <'1101- udngs, lîriesiitent of t1ht- Lake Short, * Wma 1'sclb. and Mrs. Il. T. Bforner. rq irese(nting t).w îr*side-nt of t.lîe Womn- * *n's Catholiv chlb of Rogers Park. Cib îiu,îu n.Is ly vario ms 4-1t.irnitn %wt'fr ,part g i teluns pruceur*.Aiinong ilieni wtrt.two of îrs Arthuîr .1, hghs rtvvealt'd that a-areent rnit tiing - (der 4eonunlitttee 17 Yars 0Wd Oct. 14 Bethisaida Shrine number 43, Whlite, vw %01jmý13--I --i -P m %W - % NO iart colors fhat stand oui in the world ofJ hlIo-SI.ck suifs, Peiiie frimm.d, black --. T. le