ThIe wedding of IMIiss Gene- vieve Sinith of Wilniette and Ceorge Van Nornman WVhitford of Pileph)'ia. fornieri oef Denver, %vill take place Sattur-- day, October 9. at 9 o'clock in the evening in tthe First -,\etlod-j ist cliurclh of 1Evaniston witlî Dr.. Join C.. IIindlcy of. WViIniete officiating.ý A reccl)tion %vill fol- low in the lion.le of thie'lride's' R. Snîith of .1115 Forest avenue. The , iiemfbers of, the- bridai party will include Miss Helen %.IKarahan of EFvanston. inaid of, honor, and the bridesmiaids, Miss Janice Hall of WVilmette. , Miss Joan Wakeînan of Evauston, Miss Nirginia Turner of Battle Creek. and Miss Joan Milikin of Omnaha. Mr. Witiord's brother, Fra.nk Whitford of Denver, will serve as bis best mani. Hart Smiit'h, broilir of the bride. Jolît Glenn of Chicago, Martin Grahan i EofElhurst. andi Scott Peterson Oi Park Ridge will Hiîlebranld. jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Emgene Hildebrand,, now of Chicagô and fornàerly of Xilmette. The ceremnony will be performied at 4,in lte after 'noomi in the chapel of the Eh st Presbyterian cbnrch ini Evans- ton witb a reception followving in the cburcb parlors. Dr. Paul Austin ;The bride will have but one attend*- ant, Mrs. Rollin Simionds of Evanston,- and Robert Shabino of lierwya wil serve Mr. Hildebrand as best tuai. The bride and bridegroom niill live iu rivanston. Mr. and Mrs, Engene Hildebrand gave a dinner party.Iast Friday night ini ho1nor of their son and bis fianicée, andI on Sinday the WValter Hilde-, brands cf ilnut erc bôst and hostess at a tea. Other entcrtaining- ha&; beec» 4doncin ]ÏvanstQu.- Wh'btiordt. '&i of Mr. and NIrs. P Ci. Vhitford of Denver and ancée< are botir gradutates- of mlr. amldiAirs. .llarinii.. KI' iie. 1118 MJohwtk road. EJII<iCthe' t'n<;qii'it t o f their daih<. fiUcallor. b 11iiisilt...fIruI 5>i 'J is. G. R. fIakshc #f Oak Park. flidh Mis.s Kicsqii- ami.lIr. Iloce/ ae 41radtga/<'s of .Vtir'I, IFo>Ii'tig riglit after the anr- illnIllceïncnt Inade hc v 'Mr. and lis. Frederidk R. Farir. of XVilwîterevcaling Illec engage- muent ()ft teir datghiter.. N.arthîa, t() )r (;irdn G (.itnn(ck. son laf lr.ý and «.Nis. Fred Chiiin(C'k .() > Grand l Rapids. IMich.. cinw1s wo-trd 1.iffthe dav uif ai 1 Iplas for D r. (hIiînioek., who sîo îratc inig deultis.try flhi Vlmcltte. %will le lnarrie(l tuî Mis, ~FarinerS:tr ailernti. N.veane "O. at 3 :30 t>ecloclk. iii St. Franciis. Xavier cliurdel iii 'tb e e ivî h t lit-lrîdt.\ u1-c>Usîili tlt k*Vv. I htiheri J o fnit1 hî «lt- nrc -of t1 i Ùl-aril Ali .îgel li t lîeago wvi be held IiiSîavîe omnltry ctili. X\ÎH He-I(allorbler ni Wildmntte îs 1<',b l.«ie n ofd u liter. le hridrtes tu-o -.îsterI-. N Iis i» dred nlMis> NI ay Failer ar-v tle) b hr brifdesnîlaid%ý. 11, NormnIanCIimok ýiIiconie Iroul Ili, hoe icIli l)tt baci a> best mian for Ili> lrothier. Thu tîshers arc to lic Max Kuln.Hiovd l'Whcl. and D r. NIauirie schw~arlz of(Chicago. G;î i ranmt of lDetroit. and .Iv iii C ovm n id Rkolirt NIfitheil ' lw C~ampb)ell of Chicago gave. .Mrs. J ameès V. (;0'd.' Jr., of Evajistomi %vas liostes., reccently- at a desser-t bridge.Tusa of titis wcek Miss \\akemnan and Mliss MeKarahian wcre bhostesscs at a lunchecon andi bathroom sbhower at the loiiesteadl Wedules- daV evening while Miss Hall was viI1 opeit tuie se rie s of bookr iWsias graduatedi rou» the Lutes andI curreut cvcnts discussions; %vlicil of Illinoi, %%1ieve lie lîceam ea ilicill- the North 1-*n<! ciùcle of tlic W1le -tewi-r (f.lDelta Sigîna D eta. dental Cotgregational Édîurçb iisspnorni.irtet * on Moîîcay, October 11, at 10:153111 the nîornin.- in the parlors of tuec ýCImrcIi. *Prev ious to reviewing Kennth Robî- Jessie Butler Married erts book. "Northwest Passage." \Ir>. Zander will give a briei resuinxé of fo Francs Godfrey the mos imîportant evonts of th I