merely'club mnembers uand tlieir friends-but anyone mnay join the popular tour that the; tours committee of the WoMan's Club of Wilmette has planned for Monday, October 11, Mns. Paul K. Robertson, chairman of the tours conimittee, makes the above statement for she bas been approached by people f rom Winnet- ka, Evanston, and Wilmette who are nlot inenbers, but are cager neverthe- lesa to take gdieantage, if they may, of the-i.nusual chance offered by the tour to gain admittanCe-to the famous, Harding museurn at 4853 Lake Park avenue, Chicago. To gain admission to this home, which is a col lectoi"5 tiaradise, is a diicl ting. The collection was started sonle sixty-five years ago by George, Hard- ing, Sr., father of the presetft George F. Harding. The son has -added to the collection, year after year, until now about $5000,000 worth of treas- ures froni ail over the world-eacll with a history &f its own-is in the: committee for the annual Mary Crane .Snow ball to be held at the Drake hotel on November 27. will meet at the home of the chairinan of the baIl, Mrs. Wil- liamn M. Kinney., 126 Abingdon road, Kenilworth, on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock to discuss ýand miake further plans for the, IMrs. Frcderick Orser, chairman of the sale of tickets, bas completed the list of members working on'the coin- mittee wh.h includes: Mrs. H.- R. Taecker, Evanston,1 Mrs. Smith, Wil- liamn Storey, Mrs. Conger Reynolds, of Kenitlworth, Mrs. Herbert Zipf of Winnetka. Mrs. A. R. Findlcy. Mrs. Ben 'frer, Mrp: Paul C.,Vleér MrÉ. Robert Spaeth, and Mrs. VandeýrvGOrt Gathany al of Evanston and Mrs. J. L. Reichert of Chicago. Other membrs on the tickt onJ - are Mrs, Lai .obert J. Fe bert Kaspers, coffi- -. H. Preparai op~ bas 1gyptialn campai Among the musical, I~g 2 ""'n eran church on Novemiber 18. is ont of tbe largest of the a affairs each year, alil the.v 9 , mb of le the ed at Mrs. E~.. .Westlakcetf Evanston anid Mrs. E. W. Gleaser of Chicago. Among prorninent debutantes who will sell lowers and cigarettes at the Snow ball will be the Mis3es Dorelle Moulton of Kenilworth, and Carlntta.