Kappa Alpha Théta Altinae of' Evanston and the Nortih Shor ~vil hod a ri(Ige l)artyý and -style show, at, the Shawvnec. Country CIlu b, imc ,on- Wedncesday afternopri, 'October 27, at 2 o'Clock. Procce<ls wil be devotcd to the Loan and Fellowshilp fulid frouîi whcii Tliitas wvho arc graduiate.. stujdenits. juniors, 'Or. senliors înay obtain finait- cial. assistaniceta a iow rate of in- terest. . Ivis fuuund is tilt main philaI1- tlropîc euttrprisc <i the niatiOnalý (rganizat il .ai. 'lictas eCyir conitrib)ute b oit. Apointi 5 girls are >iugaddat thepesclt. line. Nirs. Il. A.,.Morrîsa.o >~ttit, lias aipptaîiitttl Nirs. Charles1'.. 11 randruIff. 1313 Oaik aviitiv I alltl.» as gçll- cral chairini of tilt pari-. 'Ticket aiid Prize cominiittecs Nwce ornicd lasI week at a mlectinig at the honte. of Nirs. \Villiin C. licimnug in \Vl ii- nika aud i bcci. it mo nation for «a large anid Uce'1Ibenlefit. On' (,et >rg M rs.. th]Ctltàkt amu ~ j uth'scFaiît- Nir t-, I I * -a -w t-'-, -- of Skokie D. A. R. Mrs Mark W. Crcsap vi11 open lier lhomte ,ot Vod rjaçi, Wilnetka, forthe first meecting o>f the Skokie \Taly chater of t he 1.VR. 'OnMo a.Otbe Co1>e. honorarv and orgran izing, chairiian of dt echia;ter, mwill he 1c4-hlostess witIh \lrs. Cresap. A JiuftIet lnc ,héon vi1I bu 'ervc(1 at 12 :3' 0 ook A 2 ociaaCk Nirs. eýr-é Il:.. h- illan. ruguncit aate htfile ;aJptr i 1'Mandi 13.and again in 19ýi;ii )d . xv'iS ii <pée fil ': -ti 'M. I rS. X ilirual A. Nabi ers. irst %vicu(-rtga ,- lit vx11 ii jvc a ré- Vî (ic -f t<.ie Il, t!rustitig ftattrù.1 a flic- ( itiic. Il at 1 <uli 1). A. k.iII;HXi il r4(elll1Iu .m 11'~ii t t ir..luw' <'II ,îiîîîttt xliî xu IIi~ tt pck r ai Nir I I\ irit-x M.. \iîa II il iitk \ iii~ taiid Icil w inuutut - ta"Iuî itta u inw a r .. . I."1Ic vutctn dili .atl arîh C waga . jPd<n oi cd itîss 'aue, Bvnofi s< M NIr.. \,lter C aalcr of Ni Cc"en ter; Nrs. WlrJ. (;Oettscth ;1 1 AMr ._1: . Mitten of Iau~ot M rs. Court \V. Toci of Wiuîîm île ,NI 1T. B. Nealnof W uutlita M rs. George F.. Schuinachier oi Glcin- coe, andai Mrs. Richard S. Carr -fi Il igland i(Park. pose 111ii iory tuilae viilfatlhnq )frou (<Diii. i çn*i cal,'anda dara s i f l aici-1,11 attin wasfheiccwddiîîq costume of Vsli.Ial'l lvlcu ,iq/ç td, s 4îaînt,<>1 Ilita' brid.' of IPaîu/.J". 7 kwh' of Cluan/aiqIl. tlia'soil if '11r.and-i 1-1h Illii Tliea l iiizof u'a'a. ft!Salirdaiv. S;'iit arria'd ian.gç ud Ms i aithel i'ela'aar'îoo qak /Pla cha fora' 1ialcpr if<>1 ,hilia iii çanîîlin in<Is (Il /l)lla'iîa(Ofu1114-........larent aizs, Mlr. and Ilrs. .1I. G. I hilps. 025 Pi er S/1Cecit, (ê"th i 1:301 o.clock. flieka"' Linid Jhmfiath (if thc Chuirc'i ilth lita' .falriafw a îjiistlq.. Jrc e'/tiaan folbi-wed. *iiiss liri, iicaal fPhiI's. siscr .o~f fthebrPPdan <d Mati! q tuf wa. chaaptur. I letir-st eiteýrtaiunnlt ilIl>bua.' iv ()ctoiber 22. nidur thv IJuaaIerbliîj (À ". k M. Cîjbt ,chairmnan of y aieratia.ul with x- mvi e nn i tiue Th aI.tributtiepti a <f citizcenshlpip unu- liais aItt i imigratioan bureau is t, agaiin ini charge ga>?\Ir,,. WiiinA.. >ig~i "Ilie wcksl~icu il tc'hapter s inèIVIIîbaUrs le an an part of e 1 000