ïhe money earned by Laseil has been used iii defraying :expense and up- kcep. For .every .year~, but, one, dur- ing.the depression, -the. .carrying: charges were, met. The college is flot riçh, however, îîor is it heavilY, endowed as niany colleges are. so the cost of such an . undertaking asa ne uking, must corne from gifts, it is antnounced. The lists, of naines for solicitation iwere giveii out and the best methods of al)proachi were discussed. (Grad- uates, former students; andi friends arc tolie cappealcd to for gifts. Included ini the workers arc Mrs.: Fred Long, Mrs. W. Torcum, Mrs. John Dawson, Mrs. E. Krumnse.ig. of Chicago; Mirs. E. P. Miller, of 1--v anstoni; Mrs patl Cutter, of WVil-! of \\,nnlethka. * Following the business meeting a * ~ o-ial hiotir wvas etijoeti. NMrs. Dick- mmso serv-ec tea at the close of the' aiternoon. assistetlI hy Mrs. Carl * Stue Ing pi-clt-tit of tlir Chicago i.avI cllUb. On Wednesday rnorning, H. M.. Mooe, resident of Lake Forest, col- l àe, spresented with fifty-sîx seats for the use of college studenùts. In both instances the presidents of the colleges will uise their discretion in gîiving the tickets away, presenting them only to those .music students who would be unable to attend grand opera under'their own financial power. That is the one stipulation the Opera Luncheon club makes. Engagement, Announced At' a tea given Tuesday i thefr home at 540 Shieridan road, Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stevens Gra- li.ar annou3icd the .1gn*to thleir daughter, Virginia Lee, to Clharles Riggs Sprowl, son of Mr. a:id MNrs. Charles Orr Sprowl of L.ansing, Mich. The tea was given for \Ir. Sprowl's mother, who is a guest of ber son and bis, wife. the James Allen Sprowls of }Jubbard Woods. Y( c an ow carry y fvrt witL p.e.fct aafety ..Thiser a.gLas. via Is umglY stoPperJaaJ the aino 168glosa. lmg case is snmarto, lo l atrig.ug. coIJpist " ~~ Sterling .11v.,$ ,s/ Througl Octôlier 21 w. Wi éYv t u ra i DuilGardenis chas. of ayflÎ DunhlIIproduct. HadTo Have. Two! Really, s/w wanted - several w/w,, s/w saw t/w deligktfid in the Peltinger ihome. The' and bridegroom are at home in: *I'ariment in Wilmet te.