utin an ver again, fwiuiNOan, jr., - claiming ascendancy for bis family by virtue of the knockout lié scores ovei Fred, jr' . in Universal"ss.'Blonde -Dyna- mlite," a4 siory of the prize ring. -Let's have this thing -definitely un- derstoodx," chuckled Fred, Jr, when he was given the part of "Danny D)illow.%ay,' a prelirninary ighter who loses to the coniing champion. "Your old mian and Xy (lad fought for years and he always Iiist and now I've got to let you sock ne, 1t doesn't seem right. Why not revise the script and Jet a Kohier heat up a Beery for a change?" Robert I»Omat-Mavleme Dleltrieb featuee Btàrts Thurs., Fri. 1:40, 10:056 F'eature Starts Bat. 2:40, 5:10, 1:40, 10:15 Also: LA test Mareh of Time -un., Mon., 'Pues. Oct.10-11-la Loretta *1ugDë, mne Feature Starte Sun,. 2. 4, 6. 8, 10 Peattirie starts mon., Tues.ý 7:45, %45 Alb b: Mickey Mouse w iColor :Fi 1,Ijaicti iu, 11wadidi I ï' Io 1ii .ta A ..lis *arc Jasjl kathboite aud .farirn C/ire. usat'd radito sivIelr. i/i.'vrý Iliz'el lii t j,cslcw"as' Mi~ rth' roucti<Ion 'Hi.. » IS D m çt(jp illisj>g Deanna Durbin Noted for j regmient, creates a situation i whicl -.~~~~~~ -V~7I . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ f4J5 iiiiV '.verinjaii, Louis btween lvl~.ç'nined ith the' fact (aipd.and ILucien I.ittlelield. that slie etijo> sl)t.li(Id health fpromxpt- A pinchipny es~e ed ie p2yid,î I>r CaresEvans outat ries to get an exchisiv to j)rcýeiit' the littlt*it-trc>s Witli a týi1 story. reScucs bis friend, and capture enaineled a;>,le which 4ue var> on lier ýa g ang oi criminals. Plenty of actior charmi bracelet. It', a vhl that apple IM. sterv., and conicdy. The fainily wi Cat 11,11ii>a' diari thiat realIy works eýjoy it. for I) an d kai caeps lier ,(, hvaltlmfl that hhas w i-nened III cali lier doctor. ______________________ as WVee d of Colo led in Iln(