ROOWS APPLIED, LEAK8 REPAIJWJD, Insulation, Caulklng, Asb. Slding. Certllled Barrett Co., applicators. Ferry Rfg. Co., 613 Main, Evans., Dav. 1616. ISA-LTN2O-4tp Carî*,îtu r.a nd (euerail Su' tarr . mkh, rte, reatin n11,1)O)1)% rof Iiig, garages. O'Ierhead doors, etc. W. R. Wilson, Kenilworth 551L ISA-LTN2.1-4tl) noMsiuNSLaTiON WAj.LFILL. ROCK WOOL BLOWN IN. 496 Linden or cml i Wnn. 1240 for free JM book and est. No obligation, 15B-LTN19-4tp f /r4~Pafter the. summer? It: probably fleeds repairs - cleaning - anti madie ready for-the coming winter . .. storm windows -furnace cleaned - 80 many things. This page lists ail sorts of Home Services. Use it to help you koep the house in gooti condition. MUSICAL UNSTPUCTION MISS IRENE COFPIN Piano Instruction for young cblidren. TWENTY-FXVE CTrS. A HALP H~OUR 675 B1aekthorn Road.. W1nnetkca 623. FI RE PLACE WOOD PIANO INSTRUCTION IN YOR HOME LIOIHT UP Y017R FIREPLACE ON,% Fundanientala. Lesehetiszcy Metihod. COOL EVENINOS! LOGS CVT MISS LAURA AN»ERBON PROXI SELECTED) WOOD) Phone Wilmette 4090 after 3ý:30 P. M. SEASOXE» 1 YEAR 3LN22l Wile birch and anaple, $12 ton; white3LT22t Oak, $9; niIxed wood, $ 1.50 mIné. del. TOP SOL. MANURE. FILING. ORGAN, PIANO, ACCORDION, ,SAN. CIDER. DRVEWAS Rythm (Classes BAN».CIDRS REAY In >our home, rates s1..êo 849EImE. 0. HAGLUND 4856 Elna St., Niles Conter 84Sl Gt. winnetfra 218 3iflRt 29> Tie Experience on the No. S3hore bESIGN CONSTrRUCTION REMODELING Lo J0 Tigimmai WXLMETTU 61l Tree SurgerY, uPaing, drIvewaM lag. Stone walks, fertili*ea9, grms aed, blak dirt. 4 to ou saiaactonbya reco rd of Rond reernc snd1 býýttmat. at iowest iices. MEJIVIN WIL. 3413 i24-LTN21-tep Painitîing and Dccorating é'w~s prices as: pomsible. Be sure Io cal i ne for free etimate and sugges- tion, 'appreciate your eall for any aMount 'f work. \Vil. 3503, LOUIS Win. 258 GIPP &OLSON PAINTING & DecoRATING> Neat Work>nanshlp interlor and Exterlor EstIirntes ebeerfully furnisheri Wilhette 2456 42LTN20-4tp Painting and Decorating CALCI(JINQ aAN» PAPEPRuANio Ing, piper removed by ýmachine. I"loor.. Sandlng and refin1shiig. Ail work uar- anteed. RIris. prie..Recoimendatbon. 8HORELINLr DECORAToRs Phone Wilmette 4899 42LTN21-Itp WTE. ,RpwîKVXT mainenane Wok a lpecaity42ILTN20-itp Expert Lawn Work Soil-Plans Pertil ur-Drivoways anr otkhmeJH ENADSO ,;0 Provident Wh)netka 3612 CALL FOR AND DELIVER. I3LANK. ait 33A-ILTN21-4te ETS A SPECIALTY. WINNETJ(A 859.* Pitr-Dcrtr 34LTN214te NORTHBROOK 20.5-W-2 42LTN20-.Itp I4awvn ani(.zartleuinla il ATD . 7')t ~îTo 1»> WH B3LILI) BETTE1ZI)RiVEWAYS. at home. N%'( callanid lvr lte L ~1.LIKE VI ý PT$2.50. Black dirt, ft-ttillzer*, îeat îoldss. dried mtsidt., sHhital-Y .and. ifeuî~ lianig pmSrl)lll.ý' hmn BLOW & KLOEPFEIZ, NWINNETKA 201 wvork. Dai 1558. 34LTN2-*)tjb $15. Cernen.It ff. Ptlig. Înist(e & olit. 33A-LTN22-4tp - I t looks 111w two. W unnetka 1.47,. _ 8AINTINCI AND 21TN>'-ltp. I4NDSCAPING AND QAB3)ENI --- - ---- 453