i Il-Irs. Carl Alfred Pelersoil, (le ft), 144 Ma pie avenaue, zwill be sifccecded as Président (il the aitiliary imit of 11w IV"ilmpette Post of the 4niericait Legrin by M4rs. Jameits R., Me1Cye, ô35 Park aVenuîe (right) at ceretinoiies obc1 held at the' Shawince Coffiary cib inexlt 7Tiisdti, c veniny. Photo of VMrs.',Petersoti IPl'yMthczî! F-dacis. K estjijan, miemorials; 'Charles P Post ComfmandUer lDahni-cke, graves registration; Frank # o 7'ake O fJf ice 4eIinzen, bouse conmitte ; John B Boddie, legisiation; Ed I)rewes, meni- W M g h bership; Carl Alfred Peterson, national Tuesaay i h t 'lefense; Arcb Houle, publicity; Robert (Continued f roui page 3) C. Forster, rifte teain; Ragner bahl- ChalesIL eechalai; Ms. or-stroin, safety; Hlubert IL.. Go;odrich and Ulirie Il Je, hapain M s. or.Fred W. Kidd, visiting; Victor Hil ntin C.)ii no, trearr; Mrs. rcd seE service officer; 'Martin J. Walsh, his- Johnon.secrtar; Mr. Fed Kddtorian: Hubert 1,. Goo.Irich. chaplain, sergant-t-arns.indl John B. Boddie, iudge-advocate. . UREPLACE Don't deIay ... Cati our service de. Part ment for a trained. mechaaic. I ' Necet for ouly Set Ineludes andirons, firescreen, shovel, and gpoker brush. Attractive [i design, and sur-. prisingly Iow in price! Scu'.ens. lashefs, Ireois, -Audirons eud lTes Instaliing - Repairing,- Cleaning T'y Lymon's Deivery Service SquiWbs Sefi CI... Regular 40c Value tiar: Nirs. Robert C.- For alid visîtmfg ; Nrs. john t B. I islative and' national defe Orvilhv G. l)ailv, poppy da% liain R. ~ioprograini Iocal ; scwing;- Mrs. A. S((il;Mrs. Frank A. Ed4 inrtatioi Mrs. Carl A. Petc IC MJI. 'l COtlfk trn-toni-Nori wasfacts arc e n a ii I SpolUs bre Rea t the homie architectur- the Evans- ýe board. The, Corne to Lymans for a Complefe Stock of Fresi, Vitamin Products À R il C- atia 2 fo'51c Reëgiar $1 Value!'