H-ighland -Parkc, in charge of arrange- mnents,. promise a réfresbingly' livelyý program. .KarI McGuire, *eIl known north shore pianist and co.emposer,* wifl offer two groups of piano selections. Qulie group wiIl incluile music by Chopin.. aithrwill congist of somne of Mr. McOuires 1937 compositions. Music loyers will àlso be interested in the string duts-unusual chanibermui -wiich Sheppard .ehtuhoff of the Chii- cago Symphony orchestra and Leonard Kruupnik of the ' ndianiapolis Symrplion * orchestra will offer. Their selections iniclude a Mozart. Duet for Viola and V'ioloncello originally for two bassoouis; Gaia Fiughetta by Dagand, wbich is a * gay little fugur for viola and violoncello by a contemporary French composer; aldl a fBeethovenv Ouet written some- time between 1795 and 1798 for two friends of Beethoven, one of whom was very short-sighted. Bleethoven, hini- self named this "Duet with Obligato * Eyeglasses." Ana Kurgans, fornierly eof the Horton Ballet, Los Angeles, will Mrs. Ralph,,L. Hartman, Mrs. C.1 T. Frykman, Mrs. George Stewart, Mrs. Jacques Willis, Mrs. Frank Allen,, Mrs, Sidney.' Warden, Mrs. John 'Çuztim, Mrs. 'Robert TaIley, Mrs. Marvin Harms, Mrs-. Stayer MouldingÈ9 NMrs. F. S. Vantis. M frs. Franklin Pierce, Mrs. Otto Von der Hoff, Mrs. 1. W. Humpbreies, Mrs. Inez C. Bliss, Mr C. A. Petersor,, Mrs. George Scberzer, Mrs. 0. G. Daily. C. T. Mor- rison. L. E. Matson, Lloyd G. Gage, and O.rville G. Daily. Next week's WmrLm 'n1 LmP will carry a complete Honor Roll of those wbo covered their quotas. The en- tire village has. been organized into 283 districts, each district assigned a quaota whia1u,, wheu ith isbeiwil' tring the Chest over the top, accord- igto Chest officiais. Teamu Record Competition in the football contest in the Community Chest campaign has been keen and each of the six teams ýlPIMbAcE £NSIMSLES Don't delay Cali c!Our ser vice dé. Partment for a, trainel mect.anic. Fre Insp>ection, Service 5 Pièces fer .mly Set luclueles e.uirorne flrescren. hove4 Md poker brueli. Attra.tlv ln design. and st priulàgly. 10w ln Primet Scres.. Ss-koets br.mus. Amus end 1ooU Installing -Repairing -CIvaning FUmu -Inand wlLB ASBESTOS PIPE & SILER COYbRING Ro.fig--Guittrn-Spou.-4het M.tsi Woék & ansman nas given nthe tnenies in nus setting. The program is of interest to the north shore for a number of reasons other than musical ones: Leonard Krup- rik, is a former New Trier boy wbo ias been apuointed first cellist of the 3,733 1,614 r154.5 4,418 12,000 An old Englisi cold 'vas to 1,4041 kcure for a inhale the breatli. of a duck. Street 1 Mrs. B. H. Lau, ECcleS. 1