SaiderCcuelDus COR"a Cou lIm.t*.400, S ad. Suiiay Specid IIBRICK ICE CREAI FULi QUART Ithe Unteh vae wt anulr e aluable advice -from IMiss Stickney. gar t te work of inembers of the, Special emphasis was placed on the, local councils., importance of larger troop commîttees Among. the many interesting facts and the need for -more such %vorkers she brougbt out was that 99 per cent1 here in this field. lfoweverMs cfail workers In the Girl Scout move- Stickney was pleased that many of ment in this country are volunteers. the problems facing other communities This gives some conception of the were non-existent ti Wilmette because .boxes for both opening night and the first,t Monda)- night have been sold . There are only the first eighit rows. of, the second balcony' left An. t hat, particular section 'for the Thurs-. da*. ,iight PBoard of' Educat ionseslries, and the remaiig rows are going fa st.It is neÉessary. therefor il1 at a,1l ItLxiiiiu us a'moui oli interest amaI5- o mui une m1u4K-p of the coMmuniy, 1 who desire 1season -tickets lose, no teurs are talcing in the all-important and that other problemns werebeing time ni purchasing them. work of training young girls in the handled skillfully. ideals of womanhood and citizenship Friday morning the chairmen of Itws oaHg through leisure time activities. each of the five committees met with Interest in the opera is rUnnfillg Later a questionnaire was passed out NMiss Stickney to discuss thle, ork high with the announicemnent of. the touching on the historv.oranztion 1being done bv each and to -become w splendid artists who are to perforri,. and program of the Girl Scouts, whichi quainted withi the changes in prora and 'the exceptional scope of operas iturn led. to an interesting discussion i activity recommended, from ntioaltobe sung. AIl operas sung. and the of the loal efforts. ,succeNses and headquarters. naines of the perforniers w vill be an- nounced a week in ad;vance as utçuaI' HEALTH CENTER knwIedge relating to individuals com- president of the City pea Il ~WTi ~ Imunitv and social hçalthi, : Xth opening niglht le,,s t.hai thre ~l wq p.~NEWetSlni weeks away< all - wo desire scat s The regular cetcii will be held, I or the first performance are urged Bnard Gratid a . t the Health Center next M.\ondav,' to get themi immediatcly. They niay The Health Center board exprese'ý October 18, from 1 to-4 p. tu. ' be had by calling any _of the mcmn- bers of the Wilmette committee. or graitde orthesupor wichitî~ RETURNS FROM MICHIGAN by senditng a check to the Chicago nowrecivig trouh te mdinn o Mr; J R.Harper, 719 Park ave- CitY Opera company at 20 X. Wacker the %Vilniette Communit, Chest. The1 nue, returned to 'ilmette October drive, Chicago. As has been previous- fun'ds thus procured enable it toi from the Harper summer. home ly announced, '*Aida"~ wiIl be sung finance the dental clinic for the chil- near Hartford., Mich., where the fain- opening night with Gertrude Wet- dren, The Parnt-Teacher 1 ily spent the SuMmpr. Nfr. .ivgrnerterp-ren oan i Mafrf;,,e11 . a ",ia and 'Carmen," Miss Wetter- -fgren will also sirig the role- of -Brangane in "Tristan and Isolde". IIt was in this opera that she made j er debut at the Nletropolitani last F il~imette residents are again e I xinded that for the first, tinte' this I lise t m and rature n the is the favor- av'enue,1