Matthewt CALEIIARF011TIuE WEE 017 OCTO4>DEI<17 3:30--~wj~ N tig bolimidod el rel-dli d;i y n*e<îng. 7 :30-Boy Scout, Troop 1. 7 (0Cap Ile <irIa.'at the hoinm of r.1lhazt*I M. H"idge., 701 Fbont 30 iis hiir îehearsai. 4,:00-1B4>'s*ciurrha~I 7 :3-$eur rîuirérheaiasal. Faid:y- I :0-Xothw.sîcilrcle. Tlh,. 'vve ire le w111 hold lt. ilrs i lvgFi lay, ktober là, at the hoie Mrs.IW F. Mcii . 2*19 iO :dwè 1. U.I f* ý)lYf<t$i.ftl.'* -% light servedl followlnig the i Have yl ;,jhelrd Ft-ilo)W.i4iip rtail>? .Iti ditY, Oetober 24, at Unlveriity obf (' held for' >oufg peoffl areca. The Kapp*a M Us,,,g colored mnotion >icture., takeii ,lasi witner, Guy .. 1inghain (abëove), sîatioisqlly kiîowo travri phiotographer, will prescîit a trm,- edo ue entitked "Cir-citsaviqaltq South Amnerica" at 8:15 o'cIoc-k Mloida3v. eî,iîsq, October 18, in thi' fure is openii b the fn<bIir. Ail globe trotters and "arm chair" ýravelers wiIl welcome the return of Iwec51 Ihas.his ar KiA spending a Ir. Hodges igton. Ricbi- City, Imd., FRESH ORESSED R A TN TURKEYS ROATIN Fiet "y rm h get CHUCKUNS., NortImwst. R.a.p. tendon, de- h onrli licius flvor. S- teo2-1. b vu, lb. 1hCfr h.u dry plekeul ~~7gcbens. Avff. 14 w, 4 Ibn. B PALACES LU$CIOUS STEAKS LI o L MB Il yen bave nvrtaëted u of.1 be LEÇ f LA B mised.Broilorne et these landeusf Genuine. Spritg. 8- to 9-b. steak@. Serve sluuling -bt. avg. Wbat's better for Sunl- ROUND O12R fehmnd eday diiinr-wtith new peas, Sw1S,.... .. .b. 5 Ab. W" 1 ......... * >PUNs 1FANI rsCI nu.OW .2 lb.. 29C For juice. Thin-skin- TINP > PRiCOTS tied - full of juicy il3 -anY sweetness 1 3lbs. ~ LO CILERY ...69 2d'oz. 79e Michigan tender, %mouevu pouwr UIwy O W VdiISU *Và# th erng«soa. LUOOS-CIau 5.MOi u PwoU- d~ vat. $1oend upward. Stione ,îrouuuJ- m Pull 1-1b. lbaf, I1... 3for b Solo-Loilta Bertil P< '~t Inde--Allegro