The Acn2e of. .Sophisticated Beau ty L inden Ce Beau t-YS ho t - ~week looked forward to t1ýe Saturday it was Iintended lu be ~dt.a,~rJc enag fray with rnixed enotions. za cîpd over be goal hile far d reuenh1 ag c artji o Mortoil- will bc thecir opponents., andt terihto fi dcy sagg 1 tudeîît relations cominittee whiicii thie gaine is 10 bc played ili CcerO PIgskuiI for six points. Tfie Point trie-, lu develop a more gem'fai attitude. jConfidént that a returin to thle fIC aiter was goox no g h tde îs a N w Tir whî h he dipl ye l g aisà Px vi oTh o gh L" calTeasu Studett supervislil n w sturiy als a tii ould lîick Morton. the Triermemi at At the 'pnîgOf lime seconèd lalf, diing i s 1 lasieing Spoli 1%. But thenfil occurs 1 e ha al adso kce.Rhdsga b iîv omi eacli studiellt. thev hiave put oln a co,ýjk-w of rat-ber the Pill,' rac'ilg tlirtNYyardis th.rougil, Javn Kassiler alid Rth iClark arc. MEdutbions Performances ac:ter h -teen)tireTrevialn teail. H-e was cucarni fte hre nicn * einl egsersrousn ebs. trappedt wice i1w tlree or four paes atcmittcq.. wlîich rt-ciharters ail Il Morton is nlotatds a partilajjrI but Ibis speet andi cool t1inimîg prawied club,, anjjti j-. he hjýal intercihO o1Orinid a Ie fQe: l ei tîo 0 Se- îckers dow itb s'd<epîîc1wîtilie w aî ai i ~ . s hct f t e p h i was over, tîîose s'ecators wbo Cacaic hewent aroui J eu ct:i for twelvecations co)iinittux. wIlchýich hadI12 l-i anieffiicicv Witt)' wiiciheJolîmiîîy powell. Iitttiu1rerXW okad ll!i11&sý ';Itt.ç ie ani wbite teamn liali aIgiost t» el aUakmalle a iMc* neretofo o tîmlhavÏcer N c w Trier eleven. ETpc- P etta onîwhac 0yr ii. ul iad Grounat ciiî vreîîclouiiiImi ie l)ni th.soîîd quarter - lie ibas betIl Rtjs, lMnreat ohr adn chneof J>ac vwrr- reminiscelit ofue aî1 alàrney,ý. ii, ila) ve aigouti of to'nînt ilt- campus wttt the tactics uf the iortal <d c!iio atonamnî rtion. i, Tikq at0, renl 'fini antia<~aîî theNew T iprli'l-IIon i)jack 1ai alitc collier, .IiIkd~ni crwdtht--hc (allt ahdip1 Sc) jc h be ia-n ack jeunilngs. îrcaisureî.i at -]ckers thouIîî ùî>rI ic tpIiilt i 1-t- cdl i riearinn hefîanecm this liftfl c i>< ».rt..atv i- u dm' --îtt* wahsuevststh-rnni ____from side lu uieantiwrigni,. oU.uf,01-Ncýt 1 rier tibm far titi>sl:sasoli bc- jjj, of tiltsttidItIlit rti vtie 'ikt (arin i".hllagiÇtprtion < ofv Tht- leanen. Tu f ttivu tsDli îniAm -îme tl ilie. lhe lusi reb use*ii lu 1;w sto ,IïqWOad O .- ldAmL)lýiiat t uîîtil lie liait macle a sistamtial gPi)Q Iead - -irllei tt i .rshoýrlain Was Bright sCi-~frs,eetee stbeY art ',ie- surt îîu'rt fiîvndhjl-relations>wthother "liecwas a dsinfvbrigl it ball catrrie-r lke l hvatr h>-shos.Ii extht-. sULtai-co Itu the local boys effort's. That was tltotîg guardlweîm 'wthc at owar ci i of- student cndIIIIcili 1 U~'UMLU~I - passe. *~dirîig.îorî-h tii Siiridaîtrl d 1630 Elrnwood avenut, ucco pan't Af4cr svra es-îrct src addemlshd asretV-Mr!s. 1.J. Meier of Nile ertr onWhl!n t iik hsii~.e jer.uia n < tur .' a i th Frank Srleîas rec v at about lawlp standard Ini front of No. 56.Ilt daughterof Mrs. 1Reinw.aid, rotoréti ec xhrgng whai lit, .ov . <h.« liedcdle MFdena ed~zacag fdm 4t1cehni~anednr ooeer 3vcF;iîîerc ased a, \iel i i)roperotdattgitig j to Kentucky. last week-end and Sperit waiit, < e e te.ol -1 a . a-fs-,Iiçbr der-iv riM(Ktieh artthiirercndtbt CO-01pCtalizo. a heive on the goal -d rcturneti thv st- veral da______ ____ __________________________1 Thi,' gîvCý U< ail mwio~~q t i ' d un-- vene"ill <ati me otlherwus4e c" lJ haie. l'bcun tutal of Ithing< riI&cPj, I m iii everyboulva seciia, iitin dringot "d f 1 V. Itii Ug-Part of Me/ar okwaè-d la. g/S eo<vn Ille hllgh#W3y has been OPioed. Iby monY, of propedy , OW8e7 I - 1 iý