Wl SAV vouJ Wilmatte, this week annoiunced the IN WU » Topening of a hosiery and lingerie shop Lff Av.at 405 Fourth street. The datefo M b. orvh0 1340 teoning of the shop has been set Thots Who* People Conumers' Service We think you'Ji say it too, if you __Compare OuwrPate and S * f Cosunmers Finance C. FORL@N'S 8I~Sêfou* aneun î To the lon lisiof, sports champions, lving oit the nert/ hore lui, toek OIbe odded thenaine of RusHoo9.èhef*y* ove), United Yt«teçorcher~y champion <and f>e t inte hoWder of the titie. -Mr. IIoogerhyde, who tvii leclture anud demnstrgale the sPort, witl live ifs Northbroc*. 1He has oPeneci a .chool and tackie àhop on Sheraner avenue in thot village. * '* HoogerbYcle, who has been living in Ev BrstlCoinfor the past several eyl.wiu-uiout years was induced to locate in the. north W IG v e ia shore district by Walter Buchen, Win- ilG v Re ta netka advertisîng executive, and Dr. Evelvn Swarthout, Young conçert Paul Klopsteg of Lvanston, nationally pianist' whô played at the National known archery autlxoritv. -. - - --