rvs. ipHOLSTERING ESTUMATES WDfh.uf ObUgtbu J re to erw quîp lililifor a wei-rouiiaed aduit ife. Mention is made here, not in'the order of their importance but on the basis of their part accomplash- ment, of several studies and- skills -that seemingly every one needs. Train for Hom.-makimg For instance, it is the normal out- look for every- man to establish his own houséhold and for every woman to be a housewife. This normal-situa-: tion calis for suffilcient training in manual education to enable any man to take care of his own minor bouse- hold repairs, bis automobile and house- hold machinery ýwithout constantly having to *cail in expert belp -save1 for serions trouble. Similarly among girls there. shonld be sufficient train- ing in domestic science to manage the j matesC, i5ic5t.actuvittes usuauy.equlj> the pup1 with sane avocations or even hobbies which are a joy in times of Ieisuire through recreation, during one's entire life. The unithinking person maiiy.caîl these activities the fads and frilîs of education, whereas they are among the moat-potent means zor establishilÉg well-balanced minds and bodies. Chouinig Vocatioma *It is said unthin.king ' y that voca-> tions cannot 'be chosen Well until about the third year in college. Pos- sibly, that is a convenÎent, as wel as opportune, time for college students to make their choices, both because, of. their -advancing. age -and because they wiIl finish college in two years. But what of the non-college graduate ve tern ýurse .%N of Sc he culi 1be un 001.. -wô Wicagner-i,szt "ieDestrod- and De- bussy's "Reflediotns on the WVater" by Mr. Macdonaldj. Ti.first reital, "Scbubertia,"pr forffied by Alexandler Corado, Elizabeth Moritz and: Estelle Ayer Johnson, famed Schubert intcrpreters, attrac.ted so many' Noçrth ,Shore nmusic loyers that it was; necessary to turn sonie away..:, The. public is invited to attend thc recital, which is free. Two Wilmette Boys on Carton Grid Squad fHoward. Moulding and Roger %ViI-ý liains of iVilmette, are tw.,o of. thirty- One regular àfr çshmen at ,Canleton college who have witbstood the rece .nt elimination of the first ycar football squad from more than fifty nien whc> turncd out for fa!! practice. Q9itiïi Voôigi and Fritz' Stearnis. former Carl stars who now are mentors for the frosh team;' have tentatively put young Motildirg at halfback following the first freshmani gaine, held Satturday, October 2, when the green. shirts won their opener with Shattuck at Faribault, Milnn., 14-6. Williams may also be settledf permanently as a halfback.- ilànecd :are 1;H