ington but in every capital in every nation on the globe. [tr is the oh)ject of the highest ,praise and, at the sanie time, the bitterest criticisl' hoth at hom).ie and Opinions Are Varied Suine hailed the Presidlenf s renarks On October 5 -as **the 'real entry of the great -moral for-ce of the L'nited States for the preservation of pcace7 Others consder it an unnecessary entry inio toreigii troubles and conflicts. They have expressed their disapproval of the1 Presideht's. recently announced policy, with the auxaous words: "It places us in a position comparable with that which existed in 1910-17 -.and: we are duifting Both thoýse quotations taken f 1rm U- lie statemients after the speech indicate. to.ry rather than discretionary provis- ions being written into our nieutrahity Iaw when. it was before Congress. The President imnself spoke publicly on the t!ecesslty -of keeping the law discre- tionary. And, ini the third place,, ail during the Sino-Japanese dispute he bas refused, to invoke the neutrality Iaw, notwithstanding the pressure on him t.- do so. There is no yardstick to nieasure public opinion. As to whether the ina- jorjty of the American people believe ini "isolation" or "international coopera- tion" as a way toý remain at peace r do. not know. But 1 do know. and 1 have little fear of contradiction. thaz the Amiericani people are îlot miling to figbt another -war to end wNar." very fin. innopring construct«on LY%0' Regiurly pric.d $29.75.... for $17i Our popular innersprlng maflrss,S1 5 $18.00 value, .. . . . .. .. . . ... . ..fou 1 ~J~Motfresses R*nmade $3 1111 '3& ua,3o~"UNI. BRAUCH@S SLUMBER SHOP 2820 IN OUR NEW STORU-11U>6 SHERMAN AVE. wflû wants war. 'It IS Siml ntal difference of opinlin yto peace. 4e reucalltar uan olier en h Senate against Woodrow M posaI that the United Stat Leagtue of Nations. Likem Gerald P. Xye, (R), of No criticised the Presidcnit's ad be recalIed that bielbas beer the strictest kind of neutr