If fire makes your builiding or home untenantable .you mi 1ust stand the lois of incomie '<or'the cost of renting another place) whu.le it is being rebuit. If you carry Rent Insurance Sonie in- surance company will pay your. renit Ask us about thi' inex- peftsive policy. ES1ERLE tmSURANCE ÀAUNfcy Sn2 C..t. St. mWinn.*.858 1118V tiI rob1VUJs wiich contronr nounced recently as one of the major Suhurbanl eague silice its forMatiOnir i future generations in the regioh. objectives of, the Radio club of Ne%%'1928 w.Vas re-eletcted to that poïitio n las-, The lecture wvil begin at 3 p. mi.. Trier High school by the club's fac- lveek. in the James Sinipson "theatre, of. the ulty sponsor, J. Raymond Smith. 1210t Harry IG. Plerîz. Museumi. No tickets, are ýrequired. Vashiiigtoni avenue, Wilmeïre. 7 0 4 'RidgizewcwE'j W hle prtin f te sat isr& Regular meetings of the club, onc d r, i v c. Highland served for inembers of the museuro ubro ndrrdaeeta.Pr. ersna the greater part of the auditorium will ofc urriulr octivite ahdatwi ex.tiavPrk epresthtag- :be available to the general public. urulratvteaehdtwcatiéoteH'e- l3ecause of the heavy demand for seats month, Mr. Smith explained. although l~ and 'Park Higi:- for adult, childre cannot b admittedthe, club rooni is crowded with mcmi- hoi ware foradit, hidrn cnnt e dmttd.bers and visitôrs after the close of escnol wra re- Progranis of special motion pictures TtIau f for children are given at the muetim clas-ses almost every afternoon. hkalü0 on Saturday morning. "We. have excellent equipment:f ilyawa r dtc _____________ -probablv the best of anyv high school 1 th e, goltf. tennis,. ISCOLIEATin the country," he added. The equip -1 -,. and track cham- Ment includes a 600-watt transmitte'dj inhp.fl' Miss Jean B. W~iltberger, daughter an NC-IOOX communications receiver. speing ù, New of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. 'Wiltberger an oscillograph, and a' teleplix. code fT r iecr an(! the of Abbotsford road. Keniilworth. bas sending machine. baseball to. Pro-, entered Bradford junior college. F.A1 :. ioTonh1 Bradford, Mass. MNiss Wiltbergeris Ad~BIiS .Hi gh schoiý.'d of igh school. i jnýhi both by phone and code with other OC s ty the to T-ht animal cross-couni1try imeet toftht thtý league will be held at, the Evanstor ,Township Hligh school on Novemnber t, ;igEighit boys are to represent each school. rv and the first five will score. -re- Other events scheduled: thù d o ex- track carnival will lie held at the Oak1. H~L'nr oski1i';s Highland. Park High school. itWà- The student dramatic club at New anucd ilcniu lyali- icr High school is making anotherj ited football scliedule, an actio, n adt ep. forward this year in the presen- necessary when the former Dccrfield- tion of flu plays. Due to the in- Shields Township High school was di- easing popularity of their PlaYs, vjded inte Highland Park and Lake. has been necessary to present two Forest districts. riormiances of each of the two Tht swimiming schiedulc wIli ht ay3. 11folIows On Noveniber 12 and 3 h frt1li7eiday, D nbr17,' Mortcu ibji ,N-m ton«# Roue Appil.e. j