thev- obtain f ron the rain-f ail and a brackislb water that cornes f rom their< Back in the valleys. between the his. is a Iinîited area oi painis, cocoanuts and Idates. The miedicinla aloe plant is also growi, extensively and exported by the native Arubians. TeeN C.Ifor Fuel Thrcis zio coal for fuel, and fewç trees. The Ainericans burn kerosetie a for icooking. -The natives. generally* speakçiig. .tive anfish and rice and de- a- ~ ~ ~ ~penid 4arge1lr on IWrift woo4, which fhei, nicetJ 1W 'on1thée beach. for ful,. Soie - few use cIiarcoaI.U first IThe higbest point on the Island is firt xtndd eave o absence froni the knoiown as Mt. Hooiberg. It is of roc iland in three years which they are and coral fornmation. with cactus g*'ow- spending %with Mr. Faucett's parents. at ing on it. 665 Grove street. Glencoe. - Lpon conipleting this dismai descrip- Mr. Faucett explains. that white there tion of Aruba. Mr. and Mrs. Faucett is nîo oil on the isiand, it is brougt i declared that despite ail these short- ~ in large tankers froni Maracaibo, refined cumings. tbey are. nevertheiess, anxious ~ and, shippedi large aicean i un,o tankers .*n return.