M97 Purdue6 Nothwestern 12 1920 Purije O Northwestern 14 1921 ;Purdue 3 Northwestern 0 1922 Purdue 13. Northwestern 24ý 1923 Purduie 6 NprthWestern 3 1924 Purdue 7 Northwestern .3 1925 Purdue 9 Nort4hwestern 13 1926 Purdue 0 Northwestcern 22 1927 Purdue 18 Northwestern 6 1928 Purdue 6; Northwestern 7 1931 Purdue 7 Northwestern .0 1932, Purdue 7 Northwesterf) 7 195Purdue> 7 Northwestern 0 Northwestern and Purclue waIl meet at Dyche stadium Saturday in the rub- ber gamie of a football series that had its start back in 1895. In the 23 games plgyed between the two schools, both have won 11 while one was tied. LOW scores Featur. The four gaines played since 1928 typify the strong existing rivalry. In these four gamnes neither team has scûred more than one touchdown per garne. l,28, Noi'hwstrii woni, 7 6, to deprive Purdue of the Big Ten titie. T he BoiIermakers returnled the and~ others m-ere rtished ba.ck into ac- tion after a few minutes rest whien the Wolverines began a drive against the Northwesttrn's.passing attack which eventually. broughit victory ivas the one bright, spot of the Wildcat off en se, With Càapt Don Heap, Bernard Jeffer- son, veteran halfbacks, anid jack Ryan, sophonior.e,. fullback, doing, the throw-' ingk, the Wilcats corapleted eight out of 13 aerials fer 128 yards. This' trio along with Fred Vanzo, blockin, quarter, c o nm p 1 e t e Northwestern's starting backfield. Purdue will rely heavily upon a rug-J o'. DU HEATIONG SERVICE I Co* I V. Sn'Pico Ail Makes MER Servle- DA&Y AND NmraIGH Td.b..390f, 1:8. I