I. ~ f.t SuPPiOiRTNEEDE;D Thç ,t q iing 'i Týtht24th n-a "f*,xtnt N T'r '-r Sun'tay F.vening club t'n fi~r- 24. t NwTrier ritizen- whr ea f h z forward tti thft pr'r>grar-- a ahae~ : educationIal help- in ,music. art. t4e.*e'- literature and ail '>f thije thing s which c',-tribu- the>kneowle4ige (À the we'il-infeirrnf-d perm-,n. This year the officers <f the club, have '-k id4.f tri try an, experimnent, by limiting the,~e~n* eleven weeks and poiigrinly th-e hiLhe,,t typeo f talent fur each Prram. In other .'rdi - different oir iinferio--r talent is tr, he eliminated anti the financial reý.ources expendled upo--n ;stellar a- t$actiemi15 Thus; the, iunds.w i nt 'be Stertcb<ed. v a long perird. and patrons -will le a-,sured -Ài uni- formly fine entertainmnents. Previoas tc. the opening a campaign fcr fiiiari- cial support i, t<i be inaugurated, in thehoipe that ad'atice pledges will relieve the officiaIs <if financial wrrries during the progres, <of the seasrin. This iý e-.sential if the club is to function tro ful efficieiwy -as an educatirmnal and! cultural institution. No ',ne except those in charge cati realize what are thr, vicissitudes of an organizatio,-n seekiug to render a -eporte'! bfiru ta]lity : or~-~f '.eorren. and r~hilîMren tey. na ugha :rttd t!'i tht s~ie s lhting aà a "r::-2 54-a çe .t' Chin-a. But ' te;-treà,t- -~r~ ke: that Amrerh-acà ,rza-nizfè a- armv t. rterreýts ap!la+,ri .-hi!e w h-n k pyth,- -at'..-t.4 he Pre-ýcdent ath 4j ,ethe gre4a t d er î h.u> iettalli-i Arnewa:'t't fri r itah. he:- tt ;r("oud tei, fg Leýt anv fra eatm, . "aýsicin if ner t-hïre4s ali * ii M 1 . -, ICI'e- tar ian à r. L another ïanti. ie:ý'urzght ne wvar *c a- -~d-i a r<v'fdnio..Let to*xhc,, f*'r anýV rta%. 1 oud i-iaeanether ~c prmn -- i. WHAT Is THE ANSWýAER?:I A censu,ý 4-À tht ulieri a.s been undertaken by t! aI oevernmenrtit - r ~e~~gntD elaware till retube, t', accept equality, cj the ý -exe,. SaturdIaythey tied a mnan to a whip- * ii;gng pot andl gave him ten lashes on his bare back r .ýwattling hi, Bic.Put h -!the wife. swatted the u-hn'! ~h wîuld'Ibe exmpt-)m such rpunish-, Th i ay'tr Yow ..rk i> erntering upon an l!w~tgat () <f high mieat price,. Vrv god. But \x?!at .-an he 4'b. about -It No(,t lit, much. %ve opine, as '!-wir-»vrc.uit.g to pay, theru. The I)uke oif Wn- hiltt that hie w1îuld soon, sIi t thiz -cuuntr% brought an avalanche' <if invita- tîrifl i reini cite- seeking the lhonor of neraning im.. It* I nw appear-, that the purpose oif the Duke's visit ,i tm con-ert u- tq r 1.cia ism with its inevitable dictatc)rship. NtU, unly. but thé whole wide world. rt -;eem;s that Wnsrpick'ed Up Ofitof.those numer- tuu- gernm that are flo-atinig through the air of free *-to-anti h bit him long, deep and often, leaving xii it!, aii all-cwiSùming 'eiisé <ofekltéd bnan- *tarII,Tn that prompts hlm to go out into the world tAd prýach the gospel if the abundant life. An un- - .thv thought that will flot down is that the Duke. Nith SSý(0),(»f) pre-enteti to hlm each year by the, -kyjid <f goernnenit he will seek to dtstroy. could' ,Ê-) a whale (-if a lot oif uplifting. But. being a con- c.1Stent personi. the Duke wvilI probably renounce that * munificenit pensioni andi cast his lot Nvith the poo-r and dow)%%ntrcAddtn peciple> lie will 4seek to uplift. r.ike KCIIM v ifl. Like Kelly will.. N4) greter appreciatiion coul'! be showni the:,e di- rectrors of the club, ncàr would a greater be sought or desire'!, than tht boost a feu- dollars would givi- right nbw, wben it is needeti. most. It dots no>t requiré a great amount 4<if money to carr.y 'n the work seastin by season, andl the assurance that it will be frorthcoming. or better still, that it is in the trea--urv, will stimulate still gr#eater tif. >ni i.r the public's pleasure. It is thîgh time that simething alring thi; lune were attempted, andi prosecuteti until definite and Iac- curate konwledge is. gaine'! andi passer! on tro the tax- payers who are compelledt to pay tht bill.li f for :n '-ther reason, h shoulti be dont in justice. to th-e whrst names art o)n tht relief rolS. Scarcely a. lay passes wbich dots ro record some instance 'i)f im- pro>-iti1on upon the gtntrositv oif selfi-ýuppo-_rting t- zens. o)f 'orne perso)n rr persons who. thrrmgh decep- brighttst. gavest garb,, ffr Thtd aywyarers who n Tebrilliantly colore'! fo ing year. but ont can be attende'! bys rare a disl japari. states tht paper! 217 men. kille'! in the ca China. Strangeiv. that% orth shore is donning ýher the benefit oif tht "f amily" Ly chance to corne this way. ,age may give hint of a dy- ,rateful that the passing is iplay of beauty. s, .6welcomed" tht ashes Ofx campaigii to bring peace tf, beled her as an agi and virtually cou of ag- try to Dur new big bridge. to better things- The Lo awsav%. givetl. but thé ta,ç collector taketh emonmc and: TuHt P«AiqT0I RîCPùoR'ruÎt. *un »" *a .. tw cm m ou