an i a iu c -111 v-' - - - lc alu' ct Uçqclu>er wm Dein cof the' year, and enables the meni- speakers of the afternoon. Dr. De- bers to visit the various. departmnents Lee is the founder of the Chicago anid buildinlgs of the ýschool., andIto MIaternity center, Dr. Tucker is now observe the boys inii heir omwn en- its director. Presiding at the tea viroffment. the Evanstoni Friends an- table will be Mrs. jack Griffin and noutnce. The procecds will bencfit Mrs. Howard Kerr. teshoiarship fund maititained bv AI business meeting ofph, .Xrth the Evanston Friend%. -Shore Service league .wîil take plae' After luncheon, the biuSines, of thù Wednesday, October 20p, at Mrs. organization disposed of, the ij>upils Ngl om,93uds on aveniue, Ev- will liresent a short program. 'Mrs.astnat2ith.feno. J. Frank Grimes, ý2747 Easàtwood a ve- nueE àso, si charge of ar-; rangenentS for trantsportation.- s Amiolgý the loc al metnlwers of the board of director s a re Mrs. \Valter A.- Hansenl of Wilmiette. secretarv;: Mr.W. A. Osýgood of Gleiicte.f chairman of. ways aind meanscon mnittee, and Mrs% George Il. SimpsonA ofý Winnetka, chairinan (if tîue pub- licity cotnmittee. Milis Alumnae Raise Fund for Scholarship A bridge tea for the benefit (pi the Ichoarship fund wiIll be heid by the Milis College alumnae at 2 o'clock Wednesday, Octc'ber 20, at the home of Mrs. Walter Fathauer, 2162 Pine Point K'entucky bociety-s Programn Is on Music A music program bas been selected for. the.nçxt meeting of the Kentucky Society of- Evanston and the North Shore, for which Mrs. Fred A. White will be hostess at the Edgewater iBiËdhiapanrmnrts tn -whrkh s1ie Ôv- ed f rom Evanstôn recently. The day is Friday, October 15, the hour, 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. John P. Gregg, Mrs. James H. WVeIls and Mrs. 0. L. Robinson are the assisting bostesses. Members will have 'a treat in store for them, the society believes, when. thcv hear Mrs. Sandford Sellers, Jr., 2flA her iIniihter. Miss Tillian Lozan, m, M16uný mnuwmRWR - --M - ~~ 505 Devis Stf Hlnm.. Ave.0 Eveiion PHOTO PIN ISMING *ENLARGING COPYINO A OLEJE wIth a CIÀASSIuAu.A? of Wvinnerika. ixrs. Clark aisu sere ui, hr -si tde il as chairman of the Campus Mfothers un;whr h tuisWt group. .Mrs. Clark liad as. lier guest last week-end Miss Rosalinid Kecp, chair-' mnof publications for Milîs college. Thefa Mother's Club She and Dr. Aurelia Henry Reinhardt, president of the college, stopped hlen Seso O to r2I on their way back to 'California fromn Ssinitb r2 Oberlin where tbey attended observ-1 The Kappa Alpha ThetaL Mot tun~'*