the. rCsi(lCtce Ot 'Mrs. calph H-.. Buck. 3030 Nurmnafdy place, Evanston, Fri- day, 0October 22. NMrs. Buck w~ill be assisted by Mrs. F. B. Hiîirichs The progranis will begfin at 10:-30i' the morniing. A revicw, of especiai intercst is being arranged by Mrs. C1- Wood and hier Éomimittee; M,\rs. Eýdwili H. eryMrs. R. Il. Buck, 'Mis Vir- ginia Bauer, Mrs. Frank M. Coniirie, Mr.F. C.' Deibler, Mrs.. Mary 1Ear- hart Dillon, Ms Harry -W. Gobble. Mrs. tHarr% W. Lladley , M rs. 1). L Hlicks. Mrs. Joýhin C., 1,a"yr, Ii ss Çertrude I.amicr--, M M. L.. Litff. Mrs.. Clark M;\clntoshi. Mrs. J. Frank Mock, Ms. Cfiarles P. Reynolds and Mrs.,MWcidcll C. Perry. ùolwitig.cach. of. the prograrns. a ight luichom will be served. Rummage Sae fo Hloip Mounlain Chidren MuOh of the activity of the Ken tucky' Society of Evanston and the Nortb Shore hinges upon its educa- tioiial work for children of the Ken- ticky inouintains. It gives generous iiii port to the sending of scholar- 'Harvest Home Party Vhe NXorth Shore Golf clublbas. issued anno6uncenmcn t of its fail openingparty, its -Harvest'Hone innier dance, Satur- day evenling, October 16. '*A réal ol- fasbionèd homne-cooked turkey dEntner, and ail the trinnings" is to he offered niemnbers. and guests by the club, and AI 'Mèrey and his Society orchestra,-and entertainers will provide music and di- 1 Vrion.t BRIGHET VELOUR DO WLl1[tR Wo don't kiow:how many bowler bats You have. already . . ..hût We <do know YoD muat "a~e this velvéty ivelour number, tootl lathe most important autumu shades. HME NRY CLYTTlON &SONS WOMEN'S SHOP-Shernan and Church-EVANSTON CALLUNG AU ,BOYS andlGIRLSI maroe y#,ua etewwd petP ar>a r! flW ot tne eveflt. Young Motb er1 s Have Banquet at ,Club to fh bwnee Il Hallowe 19ený Costume . n.- Iv S3.95 some style la peff ts