*.BUY. A-NOUS! jATTEND DIRTHDAýyFETE Mrs; Florence Freund ýand -R.. C. IKlehm of the Wilmette Statiolnery and Gift sbop, 1165 Wilmnet 1te avenue, attended a large open liouse at Ar- lhîgton Heights on Tuesday in honor, of thie seventy-fifth birthday celebra- t ioni of tbeir cousin, George Klebm. RETURNS PROM WEST M rs. Joseîpbine HernIIes. 1928 Schîiller avenue, bas returned from a Inotor trip through the -western states. She. stopped for six weeëks in Anaheim, Cal.. wlere, she was the guest of ber braitler, Plîiip: VISITS FRIENDS HERE G len Itelsoil of \Winnn2 Minn. graidii at. Meh AUE OpF Ait proposais shall be mailé on blanhi forms furtmshed by thé. Village of Wli- mette and lin accordanewIth the "In.ý atructtons to Bidders" attached thereto.> SThe Board of Truste of the Village or Wiiniette reserves the rlghl bo reJect. any or ail bid4, waiv'e or flot -waive any Infornialitles or technlcaliies ln the bid.aý reeeived, and aeept the bld or alternate: which it deems moa.t favorable 10 the, V"illage of Wiliiietle. The Board of Truestees orfthl, '%,llage of Wilmette furtiier réserves the rlght to omit certain itemn- pnsrtions or Itemis amsI i ay deeni nécessary anid to,'in-, creas'e or decrease the total irmount of work on any or ail itemq. *Declion on the accepta lée or rejec- lion cf the varlous propos'ai; submitted wilI be made as soon as practicableafter bidw are recoived, but the rigit lis re- ,erved by the Board of Trustees' to defer acinon awarding a contract for thirty i . J~K r .îurgh, euigust 3-18. Thee »urio)se of each was f0 secùre a more. unified front on the part of al Christian churche's. I Oxford, delegates and vis"tors froin.all over the world represcu,tng ail Christian Protestant crec-.s, faced the great problem of thç ciurch i, i relation to wbat can be donc 10o work toward Ihe solution ifincheigIît'of the teacbings of Christ, of flie presett world probleins of the weaknless iii our social order; of our ecolloînic diffi- culties. and of war and peace.. 0f these matters tho-4e who licar Dr., T *it t ' le il bhe giveti first-hand information. Te>lîcnîctilng i pc sored by tflic %Vornan's Missionary society of hie Wilicuc cimuréli, anti the pùblic is invited. Point and A nnapolis Congressinan Ralph E. Cimurch, of Evanston,, announced luis Iveek thai a vacancy for the lOtlî district whc incitides New Trier> is sclîeduled t occur by graduation in June. 1938, ai ~OiICi: TO 'ORS Proposais ,k for the ýes of 'the ln th e p. m. on 1937., and - _ __- . - ý -p ipal and two altern;ates for WVesL IPoint. TUE VILLAGE 0, F WILMETTE, ]'le àl)Qjontees to %Vest Pjoint wili 1wI) By uIARY C. INNE.exanined by the WVar Departnent 0o1 village Pre.sidettmarch 1. 1938; and thieaîe s to WARREN TP. FIPER. Trizstee Annapolis will be exanîmc l't'i îixh, CITRISTIAN E. JAIICHOW, \avy I)epartmnî ntOn Februarv* 16 or Trustee pi 0 98 JAMMS 1B. IHOFFMAN, Arl20198 TrustüeeIn order f0, give the young mien in1- PATYT, C. LANC.,'Trustpe tercSted in these appointimemits equal GEOGE . RDDI4;ute opportunity t0 qualify, Mr. Chinrch, JoçýFpu P. R<iSSBERGER. announced that lie wai,.,,a. lication must be midilnit, Octo- ber t E-