'lq; The ainswer is simple. A funeral 'may cost as much or. as littie as the desires and the inanciai circumstances of the fanilly warrant. Ini our display room we offer a wide choice of merchandise, ail representing. full value for the price. And the intangible elements of our service-sympathy, rever- ence and reliability-are the same for all-regardless of cost. WILMETTE 1118 GREENLEAF AVE~NUE Ph... WiImete 654 LADY ASSISTANT DE LUXE AMBULANCE SERVICE 30 YEAIiS ON THE NORTH SHORE WINNBTKA 354 CENTER STREET ON us FOR FUEL OH. Your signature on a contract with Braun Bros. for your next winter's Fuel 011 supply assures you of dependable', uninterrupted service *Witt our Bpecal Care- Fr. Service you turn ail the responsibility of ocli delivery over to us. We - watch your o11 supply constantly. 'for fuel Ph jWiImett, 831 812 Oak Strffl, WinnetkaWiats31 %W, A . use oij»