$350O0 Purchase of Fanms PýOSTURBUILT FURNITURE.I.. Th int eui lycntrceJuvenile furitureoban able, offered at astoundingPrims beause we were fortunate enough to be able to driv e a bargain! A bargain, more- over, that we are passing on to ybu. Don't fail to takeF advantage of this opportu..ity-it rnay *ever arise again! A.turdy Drap LeW E- ull Si» idpl Ciri Table Beautifully designed, sttd o st a liet- CD»- devoted to the flnest furniture. stjed .,to last l$f15.95. . An actual $35 value ' Regla ple 85.5.$7~I for only ..............71 S. Solid MopI* Nil.F TISlp SO baby cap reach basin and Table tollet by hiniseif. Stands stead- 3 drawer,--Actual!y nmade to iIIy, large Onough. for a firm seli at $14.95. footing. Regular $4.95. 2 Gy. Juvénile Costumer An enogntinîç litltUm xan An attractive Éceenspeclny at pitk *4tér aysutd kcIn4 of draft frora baby's crib>. colors or ffiafl. Regtar $495, $15 value, flecaillyspeclally piIed yPri... *15 -0y.at .............. .... H. JuvelleChar. on. 0 et4 ofe a ths Pstrbil pode pr4 .Cniteo 2 Sg4 -m d acrigt tecid, r .444ernent. A st r -4 r-4- . ail loc e ar et seaônedclo strU ted cha r 9P rov d b hard ood co ploe wih a the 10aing hil auhort-e well mad ca ine bo . A realof he nit d S ate . À r '44.44 $7,95'Valu lar$4.98vain fo ù4 . . . .1t. . . . . . . WI'LMHTTE LIFE