e D l 3ý38 v-alues to $45 A stunninir collection, of vCom.is prio spccially foi ibsfamous mvent. Boxy or iîted modela luxuriously îrimmed in wolf, fitcl, kriner, caracul and* others. Soft iuul fabrioe of boautiful texture in ail new colora. Simes for Misses, Womn anmd Juniors. A Grouî> of Fine Winter Coats $68.00 LavisIily Hrmmed with fine quality furs $8,8 -$12e88, t Au adorable c ollection ôof comts in * boxy, flared and, reefer modelé. Some are prettily trimmeçd with fur. Styles incinde Princes and Belted modela. Ail are good al-. around, serviceable coats. Sizes .74to 16. You'll agree th,,t I>iese coats are the valne ement of the year VELOUR HATS $3,88 * 'i *4 'I -l ý