Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Oct 1937, p. 44

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.* ** ~k HATS OFF:TOTHE.NAvy.t Next Wednesday-. Octoher. 27, hâq heen 'desig-, nated as Navy Day.: on which the people ýef Amer- ica are urged o ase for a moment in their business and social activitieq to do honcùr to, a branch -of the national. defense which,rluring the 162 years of> its e xiîtence, has sogr~osyh ored'themi. While observance of the event will center in Chicagço, many ncrth shore villa'erq, incliiding flot a. few present and past attaches of the .navy- departmtent, will b e interested participants. Locally, villagers wîll, it is hoped, jnin ýin the observanc.e by diqplaying the flag of nitr, country,* If Americans seemt inordinatel y proud of their, navy, it la flot without ample reason. For, ever sicé ih'was' fii's establishëd by the Çôntîrn*fttal Congress in 1775, it has given a first rate account of itself, somnetimes in the most difficuit and dan- gerous circumtstance-. Outstandirig aniong the many exploits which has endeared it to, the heart of the country,-and well .within the memories of a large contingent of the citizenship, are num- bered the victories over the- Spanish fleet in 189, and the trans;porting of the expeditionary forces overseas in 1917. In the latter adventure it is noteworthvy that not a single transp~ort ship was *thrill o.f pride and a senqe of security that cornes %vith the knowledge that the navy- our navy-is constantlv on gtiard, and will again bring honor to our countrv if ever the need for action arises. MAKE OLD HOUSES NE-w No one who traverses the residential streets of north shore villages can help heing impressed by HEY! HEY!!qf "PeritedFores,4t,- the ojetning attraction for the 1937238 season, prèsentb y the T'hreshold Players at, Central. school, Glencoe,: last Fridav evening, provided excellent entertainmeënt.,fobr tht- 'large audience. which greeted tbe return -of a group that has ; corcd ýa long list of,:hitsý, on the amateur sae On former cais this new-rmagazine ha, siçely coiigratulated the Thresholders on the stperiority of their %vork,and the near-profession- atalent possesseclhy its membtérship. That the. group haý Maintained itî organization over so long a period,. and is now emharked upon hs twelfth consecutive season, is sufficient evidence that it has won a secure place in the hearts and minds of north shore lûoe'rs of the drama. '<Petrifiec Forest" was splendidly dcone. It wvas presented býrrýne5cel1'ently halatnÊed ca Î', w di - rected and staged, and fully sustained' the reputa- tion of the Thresholders for giving ih ls performances. If doubts iwere expressed as to the avsblt (,f, staging this particular production before a north shore audience hecause the conversation in spots becomes highly suggestive and in others clo--sely borclers on subjects not copenly dliscussed in polite society, the doubtî were ýýwept away bv the superh) manner in xvhich -uch spoot ýwe-re 1)(t .OnIv have- deprived their patrons (f a delightful PlaY, but would al-sO have deprived the Player,; themnselves of a vehicle for* the exhibition of their unusual talents. The "fiai," incident and others can be overlooked where Sc> greaât a portion of[the dialogue is ahove reproach. AGITATIN(O I I~- Thlicadiisitration at Washington is deýprratte- ly try irg to prevent thc depression from sipr. back to a new low. Prime the pumnp, brothrýrs prime the pump!* If there survives a specimen oQf the genu. hurnu who fails, to read the advertising pages. we- hasten to advlise him that lie k rnissing a lot of va.luable information, and, incidentat'i. some entertain- ment. In a big town Suniday paper is noted aù advertisement. of ladies' fur. coats. showing three modeled. designis, side hb% side. Left to rîght, t he first is wearing a *Ilopard ýcat," and, appare 'ntly gazing with derision' upon another model, flot ini ithe picture, probàbly 1%ea.ring an, allee' catte.* The second sports a "seluirrel," the,"mo.de! look- ing. snootîly-V and %vith austere haug.htiness upon her, sister in' the -leopard cat.*" At, the extreme right milady the mode! exhih-its aà 'Persjan larnb,' htwr face regitering the utmo.st contempt for theý other two(-, tinged with ,pity that they should bc cûpelleýd tîo appear in public in such inferior garmnts.Just fancy?ý Perhaps. B.ut who) will! he bol)d enrtugh to deny that the scene is. o-fteri dutplicated( in real life? Fighting btimblebees was a favorite fail sport in ou)tr barefoot days in a smal Illinois cormmùnity. Atrick of somtelof the smart tirchins was to, pick 'ýut one 6'f their number wîith megalomanic ten- d1elcie'swho delighted in posing as a leader, and tîli woli as awaite(l thtrough the centuries ts- lead it to 11niversal peace and amity-and inci- dlentallv to (10 Most (f the fighting and Pyn all of the bl' A id-west man who, while driving his car at 84 mile,, an hour, attempted to tune the radio. met death suddenly. The incident i s fot, howVeve r. likely. to prove, a deterrent .to other speed maniacs. are be neai Now for Injun ç Occupycommayears. H-e was the gri Pa4um~x R~PORTI~R OCCUPY comma

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