wli D aprogram uy the,,Youngarist wainers of the* last federation contest. These artists are Miss. 1la. Kreh, pupil of Rudolph Ganz; Roger Hille, tenorp and Missý Katé Alice Merreli, violinist, student winner chosen fromn the states of Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin. M.%rs. Louis E. Yager, the state president, wil, speak about the contest winners. Alexander Gray, ___ was one of these winners, some years ago, and it. is hoped that he wiii be ableie o e a guest of honor together with Dr. and M.\rs. Edgar Stiliman KeIIey. Miss Grace L. Seiberling of Evansto--n, first vice- chairmnan, bas charge of the program, and \Irs. Frank P". Whitmiore of Kenilworth is local chairman of. the Chicago district. Katherine MNei-sie of the M-\etri-poitani was thefirst National Federation M.\usic Club contest winner and there have been some eighty since that time. Dalie' Frantz won four years ago. and will be heard in a recital in Chicago this winter. the U-nite<I States to- Chicago the formai ie next yeaî, 1899, St. now convening every is hostess; twn vears Joint Recitalist 1<udolf.Serkin, concert piaitist, wito wiII play ftr the A-rtist Recital scries, spotisored by the 11iiteta *friMmit ejjli;.1 _%nè rier adi- torium» Monda y e'in.Noellllrr 1, trnwde his first public appearanCe a! the ag,e of tw'h'le as gltes! soloist t,,Ith, thie fieîîna Sijnuplonv or- chestra. The debut . an ated a career that h flight (f concert pia weli enough to have1 the familv ineorni ha( ellormous SI ias broughit nists. At, lcen able to ( is Dare on Fail Lecture Tour Anita Wiliets Burnham of W\inncitka, the artist and lecturer, basbeguni a fail lecture tour ic wili ake brPtoCities anîd towns in i sVisili Mrs. Frederic d'Aix and -Mrs. Leroy Shonts of Kenilworth, boaed_-members; NMrs. B., J. Denman' and Mrs. George Zendt of Wilmette, Mrs. John Dinigle of Hubbard W-oods, Mrs. John -R. Pontius, Mrs. Avern. Scolnik (Amy Neill),, Mrs. -Frank Fuller, and Mrs. Oakley Brown of Wisnetka. Mrs. George Woodru f, chairman, of the social committee of the, association, is making announce- ment of the receptions pianned for guest artists Mrs. Wooruff is opening ber penthouse for the first reception, which will probably be on November 1,. depending on1 cables from the Brazilian' soprano, Pidu Sayao, Toscanini's protegee,,who is.,to be guest of bônor with Frank St. Leger, conductor., After the first concert at the auditorium on Novem- ber 2, Mrs. Convers Godidard.'is planning to open ber homne on Arlington place for a recepition to the presidenit of the organization, Mrs. Royden J. Keith. Tbis wiIl be an aftertnoont affair and husbands wili be speciai guests. Tentativeiy, it is planned for the Iast week ini November. Theèxeek-en4 Iiatore the tecember !à concert, Mrs. Henry T. Roberts will open ber apartment for a party wbjch will,b1* also ini the nature of a hotise- warming. Giadys Welge, associate conductor of the Woman's Symphony, will be guest of honor, andi as many .miembers of the Vienna Boys' Choir as happen. to hé old enough toattend receptions will be on hand, as well . as their conductor, Victor Gômboz. The last week in January, MIrs. CIifford 0 D. Caldwell, 199 Lake Shore drive, will open ber' home for' a reception to Poldi Mildiier, pianist, and it is flopec ail bo)ard Womnan 's wne neispassing t rougn flicago, and d thcre wil be tinie to send invitations to members andi associate mienîhers of thec symphony group. Comnposer-Pua nmst i. WILMETTIE LIPE