Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Oct 1937, p. 52

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"ihe ilnette, Kenilwortb', and Wliinnetk-a Leagues of Womi- en \ oters a re1 coop)rating ini prescelitng tviat' they l)elievc will bec. a real treat for. north shore .Womlen, 1%%hen, 'on Fni- day, October 29, Mrsý. George: Gellliorni of St. Louis Mii-1 ea on "The Crisis, iii. the Menit Systemi." Hier talk ,will be given at 3:30 o,'clock at Winiietka Connimuiity House. The mieet- ing ýviI1l le followed by tea.. Mrm. ellhorn is cbairmniiof 'the Natioi.al i.eague of Wonlien oter's' special1 campaig .n in behaif of quali- fied p ersonntel ini public service. Shc is regarded as one of St. ,Louis' out- standing women. Her activities, not onlini the League of Women Voters, fession," but aiso in public projectti in hber home commùinity, bave indi- cated ber qualifications for leader- ship and lier grasp of governmentaI problems. Since woman suffrage campaign days, when she was a director of the National Americati Woxnan Suf- frage association, Mrs. Gellborn has b.epn fnnnd in the front ranks of Mayor. ber ofi Chilren'sGunardians of St. lider appointmnent by the. e is also an appointed memi- ie Mediation commissilon of % Thi-,cchai nuan11ship of 11th' Hal- lweupart.i. fip -bc yiven isuder Criiiiitfh'y of 1w the na,.çClub of ltII)i,ticl mriy cîvw11.DIOct- olwr 30, t ite clublivuse at 9:30 O&Clock. has hÇPrndcle!yati,'dto Airs. 11(ni07rd S. P Iavidso;z. *The club's bIiidti'il fnd 'iIl dcrivî' 'éeil froppi th('c '4nt. eu's, an ,s Of ail kir es and lookf Moxxlay morning, Novcrnbr 1, dLatl o'clock. The book to be rcview ed will be. Younghill Kang's "East Goes %Vcst.- Mrs. William A. Durgin i çharge of the book rceview%, Northrïige Notes The literature grouî oi.tlic North- ridgc oni's club wiIl mcet at the. home of Mrs. Frank Crawf,,ord., 2034 Thornwood avenue, on1 Monday, Oc- tober 25. Mrs.- Freeland Stecker will rcview -Present Indicative," l)y Noci COwàr(L Tea ill be served at I 1::.I orlck. A, an'omird at tht. last Xýorthr*]<idc meting and as weli as at the( prcv ious lit erature review, memi- bers %vill not bv inotificd of this mneet- being dispenscd with. Instead a post- card. with the inlonth's schedule oi Northridge activity will be mailed to cadihrmember. 'Kep )the card for- referenice," the club suggests. Gives. Program Ton ighf c., stupply of meln's. bildreni's elothing. Is and sizes,. toys, dishies and kitchen ec and lhousebold * Msicis to be the theme of the pr(>gramn to he ottere(I menibers t)f the XVonman's Catholic Club) of- ýVilmectte Flrida%- aftern.oon of tlii., ae ~t 2 olc.at',the Wornaii's club. Miss Evelvn. \Vhite, pianist, and Miss Jenska Siebos, 'cell ist, will give the mnu- sicale. Miiss White is.:considered an unusual- Iy taleilted pianist, and Miss ýSlebos a fine 'cellist, kniown to radio audiences for her broaedcast.s with the WVGN or-, hiestra on coast to coast hook-ups. She %vais 'cellist. with the Chicago 'Civic <rchestra for the 1936 seasoil. Hiostesses for. the afternoon will be, MI rs. 'Thonia. Alleni, Mrs., Henlry G. Bioyle, and Mrs. Albert Breen. XMirnbers of the club attending thv rvent meeting of the fille arts pro- grain folund the prograin oine of .:real interest. New Triter :High selhool was weII and lii'.t 4st e.niendablS repr-esented on the pi (m f thet afterîîoon.i. Marion 'iîtm -Irtgpr of musie, in anlna.ted !nanner, ptne ) to nothers to (Io êvirything in their poxveû tto expose tiieir ohildren tg)~onthn really fi ne, to Inakkt Ihei ftaniliair with and surrmund thefli, as w,11 as iliviv.es, %vith tig of et in art, inilUi~ intv-ri'îr d,»c<t- ation, IieaUvt flc<U04I'ge I>relt ti-,i o-f *,ii the . lini arts ti o v.- art too bre rhe( frê'slness of their volce>. tlefr ecpe aviive singing under .ex- tellent ltiiingm made theii, hearers ivant morf%1 To îqînmIete the' program anothor inemIer of the high school .faciîlty, Frank E. llan;id, lllustrated his talk on f<ohl tthedrals," showing to his W1LMR.TIE ILIPFE

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