k Ia, I'hursday evening last wéek, an-d the same blootus illed two large urns flanking: an, impro- vised altar arranged between windows ini the living room, for the service read by the Rev.' O'Mara of' St. Francis Xavier church, for Miss Mary Elizabeth Fowleir and George Austin Quifflan, Jr., of Wilrnette. Rosepoint l ace f rom the wedding gown of the bride's another trimmed the white satin princess gowù..worni by the .ride, and the. Same. lace fashioned' the, bride's ve-il, a fami 'ly heirloc.m.-that feli over a tulle rVeil, from a coronet of orange blos;somnS. She carried an ar bouquet :of regal l'e were satin, anid roses. wil S. Taylor, who had mradc )west for the weddinlg. nitig to rctturt home. Witb an attendance of more than three hundred, an-d profits realized amounting to more than $2,100, the report. of the ditiner dance given]by the North Shore..auxiliary (if, the Chicago Maternity center Iast $aturday evening,§ at the Evànstoii Golf. club was' received w'Ith great satisfaction and cnthusiasni at. the prograni and tea Of' the, au*lx- iliary Tuesday aftcrn'0on of this week at the home .of- Mrs. Gieoirge Ben son'in Kenl0oth Mr%- Ray T. Johnson, was chairman of thie party. Mrs Ralph Huck finance chairnian. Adding, to the fun of. the evening was. the inimitable and original presentation of Pnizes by Robert J. james, Jr., of Evanstonl. E xcelett music, too, did its part in maklng the e4ein one -of mearked 'ueoes., At the program and tea Tuesday afternoon, the second this season for the auxiliary, the short business meeting with its report, was followed by a de- lightful performance by Agnes joues, an outstanding exponient of the modern danice. J er initerpretatioli and presenta- tion of iubers was interesting. The auxiliary, will have a benefit bridge Novenher 16, at the home of Mrs, George Woodruff, 1500 Lake Start Dinner Bridge The Kenilworth club. anticipates, he first dinner bridge of the 1937- 8season Friday evening, October 29. iner service is to be at 7: 15 o'clock. n charge of the event are Mrs. Wil- rd T. Grimmi and Mrs. John B. unbar. Miss Virginia Little is ini lM r. <adM rs. iR U0,, uPf .ilaior (<md >n L.ambe 1'cnozufe-r 01J Winnolka. lier WJLMETTE LIFE