Mrs. H. A. Morrisôn of Wioi- neika,is, presidènt of the Alunm<e of Kappa4ýA&a fhota. *ho, -u*4I tlier friends. wqll gaîlser at Shawne Country~ club Wednesdcsy, Octobe,' 27, at 2o'clock jin th ise tfrnoon, for. bridge, a style show, anid tea, for the bese fit of loai n d fellowship fund of thse national sorority. Mrs. Morrison ,s, one of tihe assisting hostesses. Hobart 'of .Winnetka. s -:aar Miss Chei Yii-djen, aher graduat* ing from Ginling, took a Post-grad, nate course at the Colorado Statt Coliege of Education, and she is nom at the Graduate, Teachers college i *Winnetka. Miss >Chen Yii-djenl wilý address the club on the "IEducationaý Outlook in China." AUl Smith College alumnae arc cordially invited to attend this meet- ing. If coming, they are asked to no- tify one of the hostesses il, Winnetka. Enterluin Before Dance Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Burch, Woodley road, Winnetka, gave a large cocktail ing dance of the Kenilworth club. a e v -I mittee of thé juniors. Miss Citheri-ne McGivern is chairman of the philan- thropy committee, and, as, such, is in charge of the party. Members of ber comImittee are Miss Helen Enrighit, Miss Lucille Driscol. and Miss L.ois Steffens. Present Templelon Concert S Alec Templeton wiil be presented inl concert at the Evanston Wornan's -club Friday evening, October 22, uncler *auspices of the Young Woman's auxili.- ary (if the Evanston Woman's club.' In charge of the benefit is Mrs. George W. 11-arton of 1621 Forest avenue, Wil- mette,. chairman of the community serv- rice departînent of the auxiliary which 1is sponsor of the rec 'çl.Th uro - ' of" è thé énefit 'ts to raisse unds. for, .COMMUnity service work. I * ~~s lleûio~ Photoby Carlos *tr 4smni M 239 4ficôle street, &,,'Sto), for a téa tihe Delta Gtlo;liia Alitipitaa of I'v,estoe and tise North Shore arc Jhaviéig Siep- doi' after.soon, October 21, at 4 o'clock, for -piew, pledges. to Pay Vared be as follows: 1at the piano hy idgc. Her programn 1 le Infante .u'* * ' * * * *R lanc .............. WILMETTB 'LJFB ana wiil mefit pai MIl be usi