and th progani whch auurs Wiiforordan Tarli, Edwin and he pogrm whch agur weI forWeiei; out life guard, Carl Hannen the continued success of the Boy Scouts and Malcolm ji of America in Wih0ette.ý Chief Me- Troop J.. second elais: Bob" Dodd ; Guire, a, meniber 6f the. committee of first -ciass; Jam es Abele, John lfopp. Troop Il and formerly a cominissioner *qtar ; James -Abele, Law;renc.± Boiing, Wlliam Fanckbôner, Ken Mann. menit in the Milwaukee County comicil, and bIadges: James Abele, woodw4,trk:lhz Mr. Edmonds, chairman. of Troop 4 readlng: Lawrence Boling, athiies, committee, trained as a Scout and - n etalwork. art, lioneering, swimmîng; tensey inerestd inthe utd1o1pro 1, 'anckboner, swlmmlng, metaiwork: tenelyintresed n te otdflr PrfýJ(,hn Hlopp, metalwork. gram of Scouting, niake a real combina- l-' roop 4: first ciass: Robert Travis: tion. Both are extermely well and favor- , a r : LeWis Travis. Seiden Vonder- ably Inown, flot only by Scouts and h IOif, Dave Walworth; lfe: Lewis Trav- Scout leaders of the %Vilrnette district' ; iflvnt badges: Marry Hargis , nytal- but by the majrity of tile poplation. work. Kenneth Kinnear, ieathereraft. eletaiwiîrk; J oh n Sweeeshl "IVmeueScotingis oundto ' rsip;Lewvis Travis, readlng, Ieathî-r- forward and the citizenry of %Wilmcu e (raft, wnnvodworking. cooklngi firAt aifd, should <onsider itself fortunate insùi . ubliI health, pioneering, athiües, per- «m!,4ai health; Robent Travis, leathèr- cutritng the services, of these .o lflCfltg)i. raft, metalw<rk ; Seidenn r eýnflhoif, huild upon)I the folindation so alI lai(' ýersonal heaith, athletie, pioneering,_ by IDr. D. W. RapJp, the retiring district remanship; Dave wVa1wortli ïioneer.. chanian. Tis s sateen mae y g, cooklng, persona] heaith. sw ..nminEz cýairitiati." This is a stateJent made hy-bldsdyc_ .Ifi Pusw4 o -h Shore Area cotincil. WILSON IIONORED 'au. R rawd N#w - FnIly Guaramteed Jh~wASHEm only S$39.93 PLUS THOR, ELUCTI IRONIRt FR11! Your -chance tb set comploeee Iadry equipment at price of washer alose! EVANSTON THOR SHOP 't court ca inent prese as ai 1 Iin - l .. . . . ..V K, -%l iiiin tgiiarulo, public heaith, metal t aid; life guard: Tom Jent. ette, Haven Tic as of such a ide quality camp staffý I.