.4bove is a Pictutre of Robert Fechner, national director o iteé Civilian Conserîvalio,; Corps and his assistant, Conirad L. Wirth. zvitl. other officiais assemblcd at the Willow 'road dani, Wedncesday of? last weck, Prepratory to an ispectioni of the Skokie Latoonis CCC pro jcct, thc largesî, of ils kind in lte United States. MrFehrad !r. Wirtih, traveling by plane, visited, a niomber of CCC pro led:jin vario.,s tateç.> 111 the Picture, (Ileft tu rigbt ) are: Forest Preserve, procurcinient nmaii .Liti ýstrative in- Park Serv- rial (lirector an)d his as- with ca $mort & Goe.