ting :nartney uta flot nvest las1t spring, wili immediately go, through mib ur chases -tbicb tbey have in. contempla- tion. * The following sales have heen coin- pleted: A .30-acre tract wlth md*nzdfr bo~in 1-0119 OroVe <o an undicoê~ pureohaser. Wyatt & ("ions res(,ntc<l A tract )f land West of the KcICll<eg plat- aýt 84) Lrctst roa<Ifrfbi j«1U1ý-S G.Kk*logg to Mrs. V . %W. 1Merer. -Mr. Higgenbothanm was the broker. . ,11 Mrs. Webster* sold the two lots onf the west side ofL'eNVindt road, in Daughadajy Acres, one of thése beinig E directly south of the Marquis I3owrnann residence. This was jold tro, ait undis- closed purchaser front NMr.li>aughaday. The other was i«>Id to W. (Clark Stet son,. who is billding a leoise, witil Spenceer Bezman as arvhitect. This lot' lie be tween the DeFo rt 1owd dence and the home of N'Ir4. Allce Drake Milte'r. This %vais .old by IRallîi Benlwiclç. 274 Ridge avenue, Winnetka. was sold by Mrs. llanvile Crvor te LDavid H. Corkran. 'Mr. Corkran is assistant headmaster of the .Countyry Day school I Wnnétka. Baird & Warner repre- sented the sellers, Mr. Bradstreet, the lurcha ser. Mrs. Fuller negotlated the sale s2f 126î Berkeley court, Deertield, a7 roonm brick rt-siden<'e. the seIlers em For Sale, ONE' REMAINING LOTý of Winnetka Tennis Club Property in Hubbard Woods 100 FEET 0F FRONTAGE on Glenwood Avenue (East of North Shore Electric Railway) represtcntvd bIy I. q<. 1ree lit C. V. Jn'snWH$ ýthe "alusfiln Théli. rti'side-nev -aI 773: -'< qta% Wilmette. frofi i CarlusU..1eln Edward .1. P>ýhlmasi. "*.lv'wobnian, The r.osid,.,p,.*e î t;t'09 % iltut st ru et. tté, f re mi Mrs. Fraetii P. AdirP m'ndMa rshall. Mir. VI&iod, sait- Tuilor place,. Kt,*ilwc>-t.sld >y B.Wilinîon.to 'Wat tr W Tennis court on rear and space for gar.den in back of court ABOUT THREE.QUARTERS 0F AN ACRE liw,