*Uiicrasu Dy iLirce IgreatilIIuUstrIi JQIj([s -he plants of the McGraw Electric company at ELgin, the Amnerican Stinclt- ing andl Refining compàtny ini1aiu<î and the Acrie Steel PlatCii Riverdab-- -totaling' $1 ,56(.WO. . Deduct this amnount f rom ýthe August total and the remnainder, represeniting the reguilar runi of curenit building is $2,542,379. This shows that September, whichli had nt), new iodustrial -construction wliatevè-r, was a good average summer rnonth and, the declinie nothhing to get excited abouit. In fact, excepting the August factùry permits, the July, :August and Septein- ber figures were substantially the sanie. Home building gave -the samne indica- tion of a continuation (À sulstantial building, Ihi Septeniber 211 honmes were started, to cost $1 ,424,392. This runs stritiigly paralld l&jzb. the iggres for, juIy and August, whichi were 231 homes for $1,425,054 in July, and 239 for $1,074217 in Atigust. It mnay be nioted * also that Septeniber home building vwas almiost the saine as that of the. h rst big :nonth of spring, Mardi, whien the total * wa, 215 homes to cost $1,92.475. It is apparent that honme building is stili the largest and mnost active iactor in suburbait building and the niost de)e'id- able.. If it did not show a sînail gain :Xugust; Evan5toil to $205,00<)- froml $149.000 and Cicerot $1000f rofm . $24,090. The others înleîltionied h ad (le- creasesý. W. A. Wolff is building coni- iîissioner of WVilmete, E. IL Goodnmar of Evýanston, Thomas- G. 'Nason .ci' G"aryV. Joe P. Guy (of -Ilaninoi,,, Antoil. P. \fourek:of Cicero and S. 1). Morris of Iliiland Park. *Thé comimissioieér s mention,.-thiF nIoiitii oiily two outstan(Iing buildiigs. W. A. Wolff of Wilnîette reports a retreat homse for retired sisters of tht- order of Sisters of Christian Chiarity. This wiIl cost $e8tý000 and is. beinge erected on thieforty -acte tract of land in connection. with the Cf 1buent of Mary Ininiacuilata. ýThe buildi tg is of lire.- pro>f constructioni, threc stories ini heiglit and wil contain eighty-sei-en roonms. Oflive Langfeld of Nules renter repQ,)rts a ,:#i4gas holdetr to. cus $36,000l being biiilt b>y the Public Serv- ice Company of Nortlherti Illiniois. Mrs. W. B. 'S. M.\athieson of' Grand Rapids, Mici., is rturing home this weken.after spending several *weuks visiting lier dauighitr, MIrs. X'. A. Scliangen. 535 WVarivick road, *forStye .or beauty WITUEOlt PHONE INFORMIATiION 4 a' 1-insdale; Glen EJivIy nd mi i1ninîrst~, has j ust reported sufficient hôtuiie build- ing on band to keep lus organiizatl(Io busy matil 'Mardi %ithouit any addi-I tional orders. Remodeling Increats The reniodeling and repair of homes has ben emnhiasized by the press, the N. TR'rrUST FUNOS