DJAVIS FURNITUIRU J721 Maini St., Evansion. Uni. 72 10. Oi u raIuug £umguners 1009 Devis UL-EV*Uasw UCVANWM'N PHONE: oreeneat SUm W130TKAPHONE: W1numtka 1777 fie.H.J.g urv-NObufulgusn IREAL EITATI SOANS A. C.. Pioneer M, com>any, of zuhich A. C. Nielsen of Winnetka is pres i,,9 research and operator of thse Nieisen Food and, adding three more floôrs to its *resent office buildiù The architectural design is simnple Georgian, faced with red Colonial bxrick and trimmed je Redford stone. Con- struction is steel and reinforced con- crete, and is fireproof throughout. In conformity with its welI-lcnown in a series of three lecture mneet- legs at the Arts club, 410 N. Michi- gan avenue, Chicago, sponsored by the American Institute of Decorators. Miss MsClelland designed and ex- ecuted many of thse wallpapers je' the famous reconstruction of the historic colonial village Williamsburg, Vir- ginia which John D. Rockefeller, Jr., initiated and endowed. She was decor- ated as Chevalier of the Legion of * lonor in Paris for her contribution in the field of antique fiurnisbings and mural decorations. Hildreth Mejiere, famous New York mural painter, will speak on 6§Ad- ventures je Mural Decnrationi" No- vember 9, telling her experiences in painting the walls of the Nebraska state capitol at inco)Çln, the. New vYork St t'bildn g ai a Century of Prog- ress Exposition je C'hicago in 19à3, and the new :United Statçs Post Of- fice building murals in New York City. Eugene Schoen, New York artist- decorator, wil conclude the series with a talk on "The Modern Artist Decorator" on November 16, at the Arts club. torn of Public Service Com,- orthern Miinois declared a spc-I end of 80O ceintsper share on thseI .114. Clear yellow walls lighten the Furniture ie the modern mot conJasting toises of bleachcd an QJIflELAN