'tisof Public 1Educatofl' has been spon l èdby nortb shore parent f",Cl"cr 'asociations andtihé èNorth Shore brancb of.the Proftressive Edu-, cation association so that Parent-, anti *teaeliers imight know more about the progressive theories of education. Anproximately 800 Parents andi teachers attendald Dr. Kilnatrick's first lecture on Octoher -M. At the endi of tliv Iresent sernester Dr. Klpatrick will returti to New York, City where he intentis to devote bis tirne to writ- "tA'e feci that the con fere 'Problernsq of Public F.dicatii been a sticce.qq." Dr. E.* T.'M heati of the North Shore Proi eduration association. declare, arc indehed to Dr. Kilpatrick, fine explanation of the prohl ms ôt their cbîldrý OpeDaily Coffe........ Pt. 22c qt. 35c WIipping..... Pt. 27C qt. SOC Paeurixed andi boli fr4 geer the most aauitary conditions e1ce, on n' has cSwain, ýressJve P 't s staff Poo Ch lde t. i i the j1ose phl. Seap.s .çchol, Kcilwot celcl>raled fHal- Io~.."cI adPridiî'1y t'if tiernloon with Izdd e pîpaad, and sceners ï> (hé forI"el Wilmette Will Seek New Kinne to Namne Zone lemsg of Skokie Valley Station Advisoy Committee kQ 4prud tte14ei,1i -o te'il' ie nortb tfeme«gô é'flge At the meeting of the village board to hear board Tuesday nigbt Prasident Harryi'ed' gb TuteGereH otit the C. 'Kinne brought up the subject of Reida ingh re u rsotenaGeor - e'tuca- securing 'a passenger station on thedigoer aesltnauhiz Skoke Vaiey ne f th 1Chialo ing the village. president to 'appoint .a Skoke Vlleyfin ofthe hicgocolumittce ot tiot less than 10 ior' North Shore ai dMilwatùkeec ectric more than 15 ninbers to confer tUp raitroad at Lake 'avenue. There being anti cooperate with the Zoning corn- ier soni. no station on~ that fine in Vihn.ette,miso in its current considcration h icb Trustüe C. F'.Jarchow is chair- .... îaû.for mmcdate ttenion.Prefacing his introduction of thje anfo imeiat atètin.resolution, Trustee Reddi 'ng 'stateti that there is nio% a 'widespread inter- RETURN FROM EAST est ini a 'revision of the 7'*oning ordin- antiber.ance; that it is being discussed bIy in- Mrs. JoseI)hiJle Wec.kealer dividuals ani grouJ)s. andi that its im- aughiter, Miss Elsie, 1611 Central portance tlemands the attention andi enue, returned Iast week f rom a participation 'of the entire Citizen- fteen-day miotor trip. They motoreti ship) of the. village. far north' as, Quehec, Canada, andi__________