THANK-OIFERING. coss the s~treet wére disregarded, The annual .Tbank.-Offereing serv- said Chief M cGuÙire. ice of the .Womanga Misionary so- çiety of the Wilmette1 Parish Metb- Freslhman'Members of odist chûrch wilI he held at the reg- ' a an tCaeo ularworhip ourSunday morning, FedBn tC reo Nlrovbrh7. hors Dan i Stecker, Two young men froni the north a national officer in 'the missionary shore, James Anderson, son of Mr. workc of the deuiomination, will spealc and Mrs. James Anderson of Wil- at the. services. mette, and Richard Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Lee of Kenil- worth, are members of the newly-or- ganized field band of thirty-seven Smembers who will. help generate "pep" as part of the entertainment provided guests wbo accept Athletic Director Marshall Diebold's free in- vitation to watch the Carleton col- lege eleven tangle- with invading' rivais,__the Grinneil Pioneers, in Miss Imtogene Kauf mon of Wil - mette has a major role in "The, Bisho> Misbehaves," tobcbepresented by the Winnetka Dramna club No- tcmber 9 and 10, at Wismclka Comn- munit y House. Miss Kauf man cast as the eider sister of thé errant bishop, a chas-acter to bc >ortrayed ui~nit~ ~oetu~uny~ i~ei~eiw~ ~- ~"-~ ~ -~ ~ ber6 tecleeanwe.Th two young men are freshmen. at Carleton. -DIES IN WEST ivho is demi High school of boyet ut New Trier Trier -High1 This meeting, which inatigurates the -season's activities, wil1 be open to the public so that everyone may hbave an opportunity to he ar Mr. Hard. Mr. Hard was born in Painted Post'. N. Y., receiving bis education in India, England, N\ew York, and Ev- anston, 111. He was graduated Phi !Beta Kappa fromý Northwestern uni-îm versity in 1900, receiving an honorary degre,, in 1922. H4e was head resident of Northwestern University Settle- ment in 1901-02 and a resident of Hul House iin 1903., Later he' Was made assistant' comminisioner of public works of 'Chicago., Mr. Hard bas been a jourÈnalist and a- newspaper correspondent in ail parts of the world and bas broadcast numnerous international conferences. and Mrs. X. Nye Ma, returne4 to their home i from a trip to the Ozar eral days' Hot Sr ie scnool. i:cense whose owners are r L--ýij