doors,. a coupe-sedan with two doors, a thrce-passeflger coupe -and a town- limousine. A wide range of choice in Colr uanw-bakied enamel finish is available. Fro m front to rear 'bumnper, the styling of the new cars is modern and wcl-groonied, displaying a fresh ap- proach in the development of the streamlined design created only two years ago when the Lincoln-Zephyr first was presented ta the public as the Lincoln 'MNotor Company entry in the medîum-prkce field. The new styling permits substantiallv aimptl-. fieci body roominess. The "tear-drop" front end, wtiiclî suggests the highly streamlined front o'f a racing plane, blends harmoni- ously with the balance of thc design. The convent anal radiator grille bas heen silbmrdirmted-. 'Thelfrnmt f closed except for two openings near the bottant., throwgh. which air is adU 4 mitted to the~ engine compartmnent. The "air-stream" treatment is car- ried o'ut smartly in the lovuz sweep of the hood. the rakisb tit of the wind- the reaeral reasury vaultu hold in- exhaustible- sunis, that the' treasury is, as it were, a bottomless weII out of which. cani be drawn larger and larger, amiounts of moôney. The people are not ta be blamed for that popular notion. They bave seen billions pour o'ut of Washington and have freý- quently heard their candidates fori public office 'vie with each other ini treasury charitableness. That is the way of politicians. They like ta bc extrentely agreeable and to appear unusually benevolent. They find it easier to engage in cajoleries than ta speak unpleasant trutbs. They would rather paint pic-, turcs with extravagant fantasies than tell their vaters the cold facts. Sucb bas beconie the ail top common ptac- tice of political aspirants. trative costs would represent a sur- prising sunt. Budget salautm"H When many talk about. balancing the human budget, they overloolc the tal fact that the human budget can best be balanced by lifting the-burdens *off p our economic systent 50 that capital will flow through productive chan'- nels, that people on relief many fid Fr jobs and that the people nIsy buy more, flot less, with their wages. The "huinan budget" and the "financial budget" are not entirely two separate things, as trnte would have us believe. They are interrelated and, iwia sente, somewhat tynonynious. WAO TUIU ____ *I COATrS m *If àvo sistefl rvice Luxurious ne"' fittmnL-s. wv1de, d( ly-ctîshionecl seats and a general o'f rffominess claractre the1 car interiors. The <rivo-r comp ients have been enlarn'ed. A new instrument panel. wbich includes a cl-'sed wrille extenf i cown ta the ton of the transmis housing' ta conceal radin and car b cansumilig conlingles .9o*~ id iess? Harçl t. Fim<O Friends end relatives, of Your Chidren